Allah.. Allah

Will you support for the "World Smiling Day"

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Part B - the story continues

His voice trembles. “ I accepted to married Puspita Kirana binti Anwar Daud with the bride price, CASH.” And his face look a bit pale, how longer he sleep last night? Does he awake many hours in the night thinking about the biggest joke, just like my though all over that nite.

Small tears fell down from my mom’s eyes, with her smiling face. Idan’s mom observe all this marriage on her wheelchair happily. I should be happy as well today. Idan also and the visitors, but I should be happy.

Not carefully to jet down just like a scientific: my feelings, the guests reaction, the flavor of jasmine and the clan headman face.
The clan headman asked me to shake my new husbands hands.
Simulation Upit, don’t forget it. A simulation new husband. His arms feeling cold, with his strange expression. Both his eyes are bright, when I saw his face after kissing his arm. Then both of us sitting side by side listening to the clan headman advices. Idan nodded seing his white pantaloon and my eyes stick on my batik’s fabric.

Finally bravely I whispering him. “You look so pale.”
“I am hungry. No breakfast this morning.”
“Too much nervous?”
“Wake up late. I watched football till morning.”
I’m smilling.
.”How I did before?” He is whispering
“Very impressive. How long you practice?”.
Just while I’m wearing my clothes this morning, the notes you are given getting wet with my pants.
Ah, Idan, Idan. Married with him, will never get bored.
Simulation. Simulation married with him will not getting bored. I corrected.
My first three days as Idan’s simulation wife passed by in my own house. The next other three days will be at Idan’s house, due to his mother conditions that sick longer. On the seven days we move to Idan’s house, after moving and arranging some stuffs, furniture, and curtain, that nite we passed by sleeping.

The next morning, I awake because I heard some noisy in the kitchen. I have found there Idan cooking the omelet, while on the tables ready the fried rice and an attempted coffees.

“I have meeting on seven thirty.” He said while turning out his omelet. “I should move before five thirty.”
I taste the fried rice he made. “I never know you cook well.”
“Scout boy” Idan smiling with his comment. He put the eggs on the table and he sit for breakfast. “I also expert in roping, and sewing.”

”Trust, I trust you. If you want to handle the cook, I’ll repair the water tap and leaking ceiling as well as cutting the grass.
Idan laughing. “This is just once in a while Pit. I’m not possible to cook every morning.”

”Me as well. We need to find a servnant.”
”Don’t,” Idan shaking his head. “The servant must be suspicious if seing us sleeping in separate room.”
Idan scratching his head. “Can you cook rice everyday?” he request.”I have rice cooker.”
I look at his face. Inside my hearth I think, Should I?
”It’s just a simulation. Don’t he would be stubborn later on if I obey his order? But in another side, If I really wanted to feel as a real wife, maybe I should follow his request. “Incase you want to bring the fish and vegetables in switch with me, it’s fine.”
Idan laughing and moving from his table and back with a red ballpoint. He round up today date which hanged on the kitchen wall.
“First day we come into problem solving with family discussion he said, while he is sitting back in his chair.
”There are some more details like this we need to agreed on,” He continued. “For example, I want you to tell me, if you are going home late.”
I made wringkle on my forehead. “What for?”
“Don’t you reported to your parents if you are coming home late?”
”I shake my head. “My mom trust me that I can take care myself and would not doing something stupid.”
“But I’m your husband. Yes, simulated. But I need to know why, and where are you if you are coming late.”
“You sounds like a dictator.”
“Thought I don’t request that much.”
“This one too much for me.”
“Idon put his spoon and look at me with his sharp eyes. I forgot when was the last time I saw him angry. But I’m sure I’m not wrongly understand his behavior.

This time he is really really angry.
“Remember,” I said carefully. “I am not really your wife. You don’t have a right to order me like that.”
He bow his head quiet longer, he fisting his hand, and his fingers getting whiter, and the kitchen becomer quieter. “Fine, if that’s what you want.” He said later.
We continue the breakfast in silence. I would like to say that I never think that this game will make my friendshif with Idan will get worse. But I scare to express that. I am sure Idan will get more upset for that question.

Idan leaving the table without saying anything and go to room and get ready to go to his office. Later he see me again in the dining room. “I am living, Pit,” he said colder.
I move from the table try to approach him, my intention to make the situation better. Some of my friend suggested this,”

I grasp his right hands and put it in my lips. I though it’s nothing to lose for me to try. Oh, yah, They said that you need to kiss my forehead.”
He bend over and touch my forehead with his closing lips and leave me without saying anything.
Naturally no.. grateful!
My intention to going home late tonite. I stopped in a café that I never visit due to get my privacy and to avoid many questions from my friends that usually spents the evening together.

The anxious feeling, guilty and sullen mixed in my breast. I understand Idan has sacrifice a lot for this game. But eventhough I am seriously want to learn how to be good wife, I need to admit that I’m not getting use to think that Idan as my husband. For me, he is just still a friend. And a friend can’t expect too much.

My eyes stick on the small gold ring that put on by Idan on my ring finger after the married. This all just a game I said, but in this simulation Idan is my husband. And as my husband, I considered his request is normal. If I just don’t like directly with his limitation, it’s just a first lesson from this game.
I close my eyes and healing deeply. I hate failure. But this time I’m giving in, not defeated. I will learn one thing from all this things. How to put aside my ego and promote togertheness. Bitter really..I am sure Idan will loughing on me. If he is not just upsite in the beginning.

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