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Sunday, August 22, 2010

I'm Not a Robinhood :) Poverty TRAPPED

AHGH... I wish I'm a Robinhood.. so can help the poor to escape from the deprivation gulch. I don't want to get trapped in poverty also due to my complicated and long way thesis.. hehehe. A friend told me that.. you will get poverty trapped incase you finish your study for 4-5 years.. hmmm.. is that true ? or Not ? hehehe.. I don't know for sure..

In one side this passion to help the severe poor people so flame up, another side I have no well equipped to do that. A friends told me It's good, but its not going to be happened.. no no.. hahaha.. they challenged me. Considering all the constraints I have I should be agreed with them.. and say thank you.. THANK YOU.. thank you..

Yes, I wisely have make up in my mind that I'll discontinue to do research related with the hardcore poor society. So, I told my Hero and Heroin already about my decision, inform them through email.. I told them that I'm in confusing, and in dilemma and had made early decision about that.

My plan to have trip in Cambodia remain the same, only I'm not going to do research on the severe poor, no.. not.. touching them at all.. maybe :) hmmm.. but I still need to visit my friend with his NGO there, and see If I can contribute something with my capacity then i need to be always remember that I'm not a Robinhood.. no.. not at all.. I felt a bit disappointed sorry now for the better later.. I hope.. Insya Allah..

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