Allah.. Allah

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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The G O D will Back UP

Interesting conversation I have with my neighbor this morning. He is a 66 years Indian man, working as Marketing Manager at hospital line.

I come to his room for the purpose of to storage some of my clothing, plastic cabinets and books in his room. As, I'll discontinue my rental for a month to go to Cambodia for my small research.

He ask me a lot of things about my study, and explain a lot of things as well. He is a kind of talkative, matured, and knowledgeable man. His English very clear, fluent and easy for me to catch. Even though he is just a DME - Diploma in Medical Engineering, but in this matters proven that his education level doesn't related with wide knowledge, though he has. From the questions he asking me, his though and comments I can see that clearly, that he has brain and smart. I'll try to explore further his knowledge, and experiences for this 10days I have in Penang.

For him, no problem I can put my stuffs in his room as storage. I said thank you, It is nice talking with him and some other time I'll talk further with him to discussion about anything..

I explained to him about my research project in Cambodia related with the poor community and sustainable livelihood approach. I express my passion and interest to do that research for my PhD. He asked a lot, my background, How and Why I'm interested in that poor, the benefit will I have.. hmmm.. hmm... and the bold
question regarding How and who will back up you to do all this things ? He made me hesitate.. with smile.. and not as confident as the way he rise answer and question.. I said the G O D .. the GOD.. Insya Allah........

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