Allah.. Allah

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Thursday, April 7, 2011

My body not delicious

MUsqil.. musqil.. musqil... problem problem.. PROBLEM problem :)

Ahgggg the misunderstanding, and different opinion at my work related.. make a small musqil MUSQIL.. for me.. it's funny though.. lucu.. and capekkk dehhhhh.. not need to talk it further.. kagak pentingggg banget dibahas.. yeeeeeeee bro! :)

So, two nites.. I'm not sleeping like baby and starting to get imsonia , always awake, and nightmare :) hope not.. only this lovely issue .. a small bombing, gun fire that happened lately on neighbourhood.. .. lebanee.. lebaneee.. lebay lah... :) Then this morning the natural calling two times already in one hour.. beol... beol.. and all watery.. ahgggggggg I got diare... huh.. mencret mencret... hasyim.. achim.. starting already.. Flue coming also.. oppssssss.. I should take a good rest today I guess.. because my body is not delicious.. no.. it's not delicious..

I just have my simple toaster for my breakfast, cereal with water, a glass of hot water mixed with sugar and salts.. to make manual oralite for my diare.. and a glass of tomatoes juice. I hope it's not getting worse.. as, it's hard to find doctor and medical treatment here... hopefully.. everything okay.. and .. I just feelling a bit 3LB now.. Letih Lemas and Loyo banget now... all this things corrupted my mind.. OMG... Take it easy man... Be Happy No Worried.. . things are fine.. FINE FINE... okay I try to sugesti myself.. give positive thinking for my soul of food... ok.. thoug I'll try to do my little exercise now.. see if I can make a bit sweat.. yeah.. let's see! ,,, see and bye bye MUSQIL... musqil... bye..

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