Allah.. Allah

Will you support for the "World Smiling Day"

Friday, April 22, 2011

Hungry at nite ? Nasgor AJA

Hungry at Nite ? Nasi Goreng AJA!

10.30 pm, I'm starting get hunger again. After doing my light exercise in my bedroom and have small chat with a friend in Brussel.. then I decided to warm up my fried rice.

I saw an old guard alone sitting near the gate. Then I decided to recock my fried rice, add some more rice to serve for two peoples. I fried omelette and starting to make my fried rice. About 15minutes the food are ready. I bring two plates of fried rice outside and call the old guard to joint me to eat them.

At first he is a bit reluctant to accept my offer, but finally he agreed to try them. So, we eat our food. karar karar.. slowly slowly and enjoying the silence nite as well. In ten minutes we finish the food. Thanks God.. I am full now.. and the guard also.. He finish all the food. I think he like it.. he said good.. GOOD Good the taste.. So he asking permition to start going round the place. He bring his torchlight and start moving around..the compound.. Well.. All rite.. goodnite.. I said.. and have a nice work!..

Lazy time in Lask

Today is off day here.. another lazy time in Laskar Gah.. time passing, now at 7.50 pm, I am watching "Chandani Chowk to China" movie at Dish TV channel. As it's holiday and our chef is off day today, then I have to cook my own food.

Cooking is not a big deal anymore for me here, on holiday I have plenty time to learn cook. Now I can made by myself 4 types of my favourites food already here namely:
-Tomyam, noodle tomyam and tomyam gong; perkedel - potatoes craquettes; muang bean desserts and bakso - meatballs, mie sop, fried rice bakso and so on.. so on..

It's very good if we can make our own food.. it's AWESOME. The cook become easier.. and lot of fun now. This morning I have made my muang bean dessert for breakfast, and lunch time I made my fried rice bakso. I have my snack noodle bakso on - mie bakso this afternoon. I made them for dinner as well. If I'm hungry later.. I will just fput them in the oven and enjoy eating them again.

Tonite will do my exercise though.. just trying to get some sweats in my room.. then continue eating my bakso and fried rice bakso... I made some photos around my living this afternoon also. The trees start growing and flowers blooming.. welcoming spring here. Hmmm.. another 5months to go.. GO .. GO.. GO.. am I felt bore here ?? am I ... though yes.. felt like living in big cages with full of facilities that made you bore BORE BORING if you can't manage them... yup.. NO.. NO.. I am all right.. I'm just fine.. I'm good.. I'm GREAT.. I'm Awesome.. I'm.. I'm.. I'm be survive.. yeah YEAH.. yeah.. if GOD Willing!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

It's pretty "MANTAP"

Muang bean dessert = "bubur kacang hijau"

This morning I cook my bubur kacang hijau again, it's take about 40minutes to prepared them. The ingredients and how to cook it already in my mind.. no need to ask mbah google anymore :).
So, it's quiet a take times about 40mnts to prepare, even though I did soaking the muang bean for a nite, but still take some more times while boiling them.

I have a complete ingredients now, I have coconut milk, creamer, milk, brown sugar, ginger, sugar and a bit salt. The taste is pretty good now.. I like it.. it's not so sweet.. but they taste very good for me. As I made not so much the muang bean dessert, then I just take one small glass for my self to eat in cold, and one small bowl to eat in cold. I just finish eating my hot muang bean dessert.. hmm.. that's good.. feel fresh.. and Mantap.. One bowl of the dessert I put in refrigerators, so whoever like to taste it.. they just take it.. !!.. See, if untill evening They are not finish, I'll share them to my local Afghan buddies or Pinoys.. It's not a lot.. just for two-three small cup serve more.

For lunch I'll prepared soon, I'm going to make my bakso again.. some thing like last week... bakso noodle soup for Lunch and fried rice bakso for dinner.. This time the taste should be better.. because I have my grounded meat already, and some shrimps.. hmmm should be better.. hopefully.. let's see!

Friday, April 15, 2011

MieBakso4lunch & Nasgor Bakso 4Dinner

Time running.. I am just finishing my dinner now, without realizing.. I eat too much my fried rice bakso tonite.. and I'm getting full.. full - kenyang .. Thanks God... Things in cooking got easier now.. About 20minutes I can make my fried rice bakso and chicken.. how is the taste my friend :) hmm mamamiyah lezato.. they are good taste.. I eat them hot hot hot.. I am almost can't finished them all, but taking a little break.. then.. eat them.. karar karar.. slow slow but sure!..

My noodle bakso sop also not bad, only the taste lack of spicy.. I need to add some black pepper on it and sweet ketchup.. then.. eat them hot hot hot.. hmmm the taste also good for my own consumption! hehehe.. the display also not bad.. see.. the cook now become easier easier and fun.. ohhhhhh I love friday.. what I'm going to make next friday ?? Ketupat gulai paku maybe :) hehehe.. I hope I could find some crackers - kerupuk here.. in the bazar.. see.. I'll ask my friend to find the crackers.. and if they have.. I think make ketupat gulai paku.. will be great adventures.. for next week.. yeah.. :) I hope so.. I can find the ingredients..

Time passing.. is it fast or slow.. ?? though it's passing fast now.. another 5months to go.. yeah.. 5months more.. then back to lovely Indonesia.. All right "change your words so you change the world" ..

I am BLIND please HELP! ---> IT's a beautiful day, but I Can't SEE IT!


I believe everything happens for a reason

People change, so that

You can learn how to let go..

Things go wrong, so that

You apprciate than when they are right

You believe lies, so eventually

You learn to trust no one but yourself

And sometimes good things fall apart

So better things can fall together

Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Bakso is not "Buyat"

The desires to eat my another favorite food so high.. then I decided to make it by myself. About three days, I investigate in mbah 'google' about how to make the "Bakso", what are the ingredients, and how to cook it.

Most of the ingredients are ready now then I'm starting to make it on my lovely friday holiday. I consult with my local chef about my favo 'bakso' food as well. He knews that food he call that "MEAT Balls", that make only from meat - beef specially, and they don't put the flour to mix it, and don't boiled it but fried them..:) He promised to make it for me some day, well why NOT.. I said.

All right the culinary adventures beginning, I woke up earlier today to prepared the bakso, it takes time about a hour less to completed them. It's not difficult to follow the intruction. A little bit not meeting my expectation because my bakso is not ball not round :), something wrong with the batter.. so soft, and difficult to form them. :) eventually they are not round.. but.. it's all right, it's still bakso guess :) I taste a little bit.. the flavour is there, the pepper, the beef.. :) it's nice.. this afternoon my plan to make the noodle soup and mixed the bakso on it.. yeah.. this lunch time.. I'll eat my noodle bakso for the lunch.. hmmmm... mamamiyah.. lezato... finally.. I can fulfilled my desire to eat bakso today :) cool.. awesome..

What about dinner? Hmmm.. I'll do my fried rice with bakso as well.. yeah.. that's the plan for today.. for my culinary program.. hmmm.. hardly wait for my lunch time... bonapetite.. bakso... my bakso is not buyat.. why ?? :)

In 1958 My father back from the Baazar

In 1958 my father back from the baazar.. when I asked him how was the baazar, he said it's the end of the baazar construction in Afghanistan ... bla bla bla bla. bla... bla..

Here is one of old photos taken in 1958, wow.. this photos lasting for 53years already, I am not even born yet at the time.. hmm... good heah.. " An Original Polaroid - Land phtograph" ... LOOK at that.. look at that.. how AWESOME am I at that time.. how handsome am I ?? :) heheheh He is telling me proudly.. Yeah.. he is AWESOME.. and I wonder to know.. where is the location for taking photos exactly.. maybe I'll take his before and after photos.. with the same action.. you know.. It will be great.. and fun.. 1958 vs 2011 the same place, same action and same model :)

I observed the landscafe look beautiful.. Though.. Afghan on 1958 much better than what it is look now!.. Though.. you see the photos.. look peacefull and green.. hmmm... I really want to know.. how is the location he was taking the picture.. look like nowadays ... yeah.. maybe some days.. I'll go with my chef to that place.. for nostalgia his memory.. :) this is fun.. you know..!! .. okay.. some day Insya Allah..

Friday, April 8, 2011

Akit akit productive Musqil :)

Thanks God.. I'm going all rite.. fine fine now.. eventhough this morning I got a little diare, but now look okay, after I'm taking hot sugar salt water :) So, I did my exercise, just slow slow.. then I can do it.. for 200times push up on my bed now. After that.. I little break watching TVs, then be a hair stylist by cutting my hair by myself.. all growing now after 3months, so I decided to do it by my own. Later at 10am, I am ironing my clothes then.. go to my kitchen to see what I can have for my lunch.

I just want simple food, so yesterday I asked my friend to find me mung bean, because I would like to make one of my other favorite dessert called : "bubur kacang hijau" - mung bean dessert. So, some ingredients not available.. but it's okay, i just try and just make a little mung bean. So, I am starting to collect the ingredients, I have palm sugar, and mung bean.. milk.. and I think that's enough.. eventhough don't have coconut milk..

The mung bean dessert.. quiet long to boil to make it soft.. I put 3 small bottles of water already.. but eventually, it's well cook.. and it's done. I mixed the milk, palm sugar, sugar, ginger powder and some creamer together.. pour them in the mung bean.. and taste it a little... hmmm... wow.. not bad.. it's good.. good taste and lumpy enough.. the display also not bad :)

I serve it hot in my small glass, and put the remaining in the bowl.. Since this is pretty much where the bean develope and growing, before my plan only want to make 2-3 glassess, but I think it can serve for 6-10 glasses now:)

Anyway, I prepared my lunches as well, just boiled two eggs, and put them in the oven with my yesterday food and put some salads on it. At the end, they are ready.. my food ready.. well okay, I enjoy the food.. I'm full now. Thinking, what I'm going to do for tonite.. dinner ?? :) mie sop and perkedel ?? or just instant noodle if I'm lazy.. .. ok.. going to get rest.. soon.. I'm full now it's good time for sleep....

BTW, I put my Mung bean dessert in the refrigerators.. and put some note there that everybody can take it if They like to eat They are welcome :) put the name of the dessert as well "bubur kacang hijau" one of my favorite food.. serve as dessert in hot or cold condition, you are welcome to try.. TXS... and bonafetit...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

My body not delicious

MUsqil.. musqil.. musqil... problem problem.. PROBLEM problem :)

Ahgggg the misunderstanding, and different opinion at my work related.. make a small musqil MUSQIL.. for me.. it's funny though.. lucu.. and capekkk dehhhhh.. not need to talk it further.. kagak pentingggg banget dibahas.. yeeeeeeee bro! :)

So, two nites.. I'm not sleeping like baby and starting to get imsonia , always awake, and nightmare :) hope not.. only this lovely issue .. a small bombing, gun fire that happened lately on neighbourhood.. .. lebanee.. lebaneee.. lebay lah... :) Then this morning the natural calling two times already in one hour.. beol... beol.. and all watery.. ahgggggggg I got diare... huh.. mencret mencret... hasyim.. achim.. starting already.. Flue coming also.. oppssssss.. I should take a good rest today I guess.. because my body is not delicious.. no.. it's not delicious..

I just have my simple toaster for my breakfast, cereal with water, a glass of hot water mixed with sugar and salts.. to make manual oralite for my diare.. and a glass of tomatoes juice. I hope it's not getting worse.. as, it's hard to find doctor and medical treatment here... hopefully.. everything okay.. and .. I just feelling a bit 3LB now.. Letih Lemas and Loyo banget now... all this things corrupted my mind.. OMG... Take it easy man... Be Happy No Worried.. . things are fine.. FINE FINE... okay I try to sugesti myself.. give positive thinking for my soul of food... ok.. thoug I'll try to do my little exercise now.. see if I can make a bit sweat.. yeah.. let's see! ,,, see and bye bye MUSQIL... musqil... bye..

Friday, April 1, 2011

My Favo Perkedel and Tomyam

My Favorite Food (Tomyam & Perkedel) and Tomatoes Juice!

Yesterday I was cooking my own food again.. just the same food.. my favo food, with additional extra food like perkedel "Fritters potatoes". This holiday, I just doing the routine, woke up earlier, doing some light exercises in my room.. do push up on my bed for 100times again..

I tried to do exercise everyday if possible.. 100 times push up while wake up and 100 times while going to sleep in order to obtained my in shape fit body. This is one another way I kill my time here! After doing my exercise, I have my simple breakfast.. again.. the same things :) toaster, cereal and milk. Those foods instants, ready and so easy to prepare.

Continue my cook program.. I need to prepare the ingredients for my lunch and dinner . I still have some previous ingredients.. so, just start cutting cutting the onion, tomatoes, ginger, garlic, lemon etc. in short time I made them ready to cook. I'm going to make the fritters potatoes ass my extra menu. "Perkedel" is one of my favorite food.. that I always eat when I was at home.

How am I going to make it ? :-? It's lovely easy and simple now, I just google-ing and inquiry the information how to make that fritter potatoes. In a seconds the guidelines appeared, so thank you google and the blogger who posted the information. I was asking my chef to prepare some raw material for the potatoes, then I can mixed them with all the ingredients needed. Around 11.30am I'm starting cooking my favorite foods (Perkedel and Tomyam).. and 12.15pm all the food ready to serve on my lunch table.... hmmmm... bonapetit.. enjoy your lunch mate!.. and how is the taste now ?? :) I have not so much comment, it's my third time cooking my own food. Things are okay, no complain, the display also not bad.. only... hehehe.. only little problem with the rice!

Too bad.. the failure to cook good rice ruins all the perfect food.. the perkedel was fantastic and tomyam also.. only.. the rice.. baby.. hehehe.. yeah the rice.. how come.. simple things I can't make it yeah :) hehee.. to cook fine rice. The theory that my parents show me, to estimate how much water you need by plug in your pointing finger in the water of the rice not implied in this case.. :) The structure of the rice is different.. just today I found that from my Chef, that I need to soak the rice first for one hour, and put more water while cooking it, to make them well cook, soft and crispy..

Well yeah.. that's another lesson.. but generally.. all fine.. only little problem with the rice :) heheh a good experiences for me! So, yeah bonapetite my friends.. and enjoy the perkedel and tomyam.. again .. again tomyam.. huh huh.