Allah.. Allah

Will you support for the "World Smiling Day"

Monday, December 31, 2012

Good Morning 2013

Good morning Jakarta! Good morning Indonesia, Kosovo, Congo, Usbek, Afghan.. morning morning!

This lovely morning, outside my imut rental room I'm greeting my self, the country, the people that I meet, but it's quiet morning surrounded, peoples taking rest due to the new year party last nite, or pulang kampung - to see their family and friends around.

I still can hear, a bit of the sounds of trumpets around. I'm thinking what will I do today ? the promise to make 13 resolution at 3am passed by due to oversleep :) :) hehehe.. will try to complete it before 3pm though.

Plan to take today as a relaxing day, internet make some blog, go to my home - cilebut; and depok; calling friends; resting and recharging myself. Tomorrow, the business will run like usual - need new spirits, new ambition, new blood, new adrenalin, new resolution! new.. new.. new.. vs old OLD one. Welcome to year 2013.. welcome!! I'll start the day with smile! still 6.30 am! will have small light jogging outside and morning swimming.. Yes..I'll stop for now.. and start the day.. good morning 2013..morning.. morning!

5 hours More to years 2013

8pm tonite, outside my imut rental room, but in the hearth of Jakarta city. From my room I can heard the busy and noisy started around the "Bundaran Hotel Indonesia". Though crowded already there.
The sounds of trumpets, fireworks, firecrackers comes and goes. People burning and spent some money for welcoming the prosperous new year 2013..

2013, about 5hours to go! I believe the crowded already there.. streets traders, visitors, peoples, security, and Jokowi the governor will launch the counting festival for New Year 2013.. I'll plan to go outside and enjoy the new year celebration.. but later.. later.. still 5 hours more to GO.

It's a soft raining outside, very small, but can get wet for sure, perhaps the committee already arrange for "pawang hujan/rain handler" to pray to the GOD to stop or milder the rain then the festival will run smoothly.

In my heart, I'm questioning if I should make a resolution for this new year ?? 13 resolutions on 2013 yeah!  Hmmm what are there ? on 2013 I'll be cycle by so many "3" numbers hehehe! Let's see! I'll try to make 13 resolutions that probably I may achieve for new year.. Insya Allah. Will do this, early morning at 3 am on 1st January 2013.. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 13 .. nice number, yeah! some people said that bad luck no! but not for me..! welcome new YEAR  2013 and Goodbye 2012.

40 Laps - Life is Beautiful - New Year

Goodbye 2012,....
New Year just some hours counting will move a head to 2013..
Today is off day, I spend some relax time in Jakarta and go for swim, Got more energy today, I can swim for 40 laps - nonstop, but still in slow slowly motion. In my mind I want to do for 50 laps, for swimming to close the year, but I change it 40 laps is great, it's already 2km.. yeah.. swimming for 2km nonstop .. feeling great.

Like before at the end of the 40th laps, I'm shouting calling Kosovo; Kosovo; Kosovo: KOSOVOOOOO.. hoping that I'll get any update regarding this assignment on new year! God Willing, In fact they said that they will let me know before Christmas; don't know just till now, there is still no single update yet from them. Hmm.. some negative though appear that probably I'm not successful, but try to be positive, just not the correct time yet due to the holiday season and end of the year!.

Today I've send some emails for "New Year Welcome Greeting" to some work connection; just try to keep in touch and new year wish to them.
"Greater Opportunities, Brighter Promises and Abundant Success for you, Hope the new year brings you all these and more; Making each new day more eventful, prosperous and benefit than before.  Happy New Year 2013...  

Kosovo, Uzbekistan, Congo, Afghan; Jakarta etc, Oh God; will any of this opportunity arrive in 2013 ?? I never know. still GELAP! for sure Goodbye 2012 and Welcome 2013; I wish upcoming years more eventful; prosperous and benefit for all. 

Monday, December 17, 2012

Life is Beautiful

30 laps to go ! GO GO GO!

This morning I manage to obtain my swimming target just to challenge myself. At early morning wake up so heavy, feel so lazy.. though sleeping is better than swimming :) but eventually I can manage this negative feeling and decided to go for swimming, try to see new atmosphere by swimming in the morning. Mostly I swim at nite.. so it will be great yeah for variation.

The road is wonderful quiet no traffic at 5.45am, go to senayan for swimming. As usual this lovely swimming pool never crowded, as the management control the entry for the convenient of swimmers. I start my swim at 6.30am, I said I can do that.. 30laps - 60 times for 25lengths pool, just slowly slowly yeah.. relax and the water always make peace in my mind.

Move, move, move, move.. 20laps goes nonstop with breast style, then i break a while, enjoying the beauty views of this lovely swimming pool. Then I continued another 10laps combination free and breast style.. hmmm... at the end at the laps, the 30 counting! I'm release, feel plong and shouted excitedly.."KOSOVO; KOSOVO; KOSOVO".. :) hehehhe.. just try to make a dream about living there.. hehehhe.

Feel satisfied, happy, I achieved my simple own target to swim about 1.5km a day, feeling more healthy, stronger and more positive to welcome the day in this beautiful morning. Wow, Life is Beautiful.. Hidup itu indah :) I compliment myself - wow that's great and awesome.. If I can do this 5days a week at least; in a month; let's see yeah.. though I can! yes I can! let's see.. :)

At 7.30 get ready to go to my office!, take some snaps photos of this lovely pool with amazing views then i said Hidup itu Indah yeah! - Life is Beautiful - awesome - AMAZING Jakarta! and Thanks GOD.. Alhamdulillah! I wish I have one unit of this apartment ;)

Friday, December 14, 2012

Kosovo - Uzbekistan - Afghanistan - Congo - Fiji

My adrenalin to get out of this amazing Jakarta increased. Time passing, moving like crazy.. in a wink we will go for 2013 soon... soon yeah. 2010 I travel to Cambodia and Malaysia; 2011 I live in lovely Afghanistan; 2012 I live in amazing Jakarta now.. 2013 will arrive, GOD.. where will I go ahead.. which country will You show me??

Will I back to Afghanistan - still no luck yet and event no sign at all ! .. Fiji island.. looks time to say GOODBYE, .. Uzbekistan.. they said next year 2013.. :) a long way to wait.. and process as well, since 2011.. huh just wait though..  and now Kosovo KOSOVO.. is there any luck to live there? They said they need the position urgently, before x'mast, they will let me know, if I got this challenging opportunity or not.. let's see; think positively and pray for the best.. yeah will see.

The last option, will remain stay in this AMAZING Jakarta.. JAKARTA JOKOWI :) hehehe.. don't know in this heavy, traffic, busy and colourfull Jakarta, I felt so so so.. sometimes dull with the routines, sometimes fun. geleng geleng.. lucu lucu.. :) sometimes.. sometimes.. felt that not enough colours.. the lives look plain.. and flat! 

A friend told me that you have the brush and paint on your hands.. so just put any color you like.. have your own draw.. be happy and enjoy! sounds simple yeah.. it's.. Hope I can still be a dreamer..! DREAMER! DREAMER!.. why all my dreams vanished huh! try to blame on something ? Aghhhh.. 
New year coming I should make my new prays, my new dreams, ambitions, challenges..okay: 1st 1 challenges myself to swim about 7KM a week within 5days in a week! I'll try, it's realistic; measurable and achievable.. :) easy challenges and target! let's do it.. yeah I am ready to DO it DO IT.

Then.. then.. set up a new dream and plan for KOSOVO or UZBEK or CONGO or AFGHAN or JAKARTA or any other country.. GOD please guide me.. make my journeys easier to visit the other side of the world.. I want to see your creatures there, I want to breath, drink and eat there; any country that you assign me must be the best gift for me..Insya Allah.. 

This 2013 new year approaching, will provide me new hope,  new country, new blood, new life, new environment, new challenges, peoples and friends.. GOD Willing.. KOSOVO, - UZBEK - Congo - Afghanistan .. I'll arrive.. wait for me :)!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

The journeys for the SOUL - Part 1

2nd Ramadhan, I'm home @ amazing Jakarta! Stay at my imut small rent room, try to get use of this. It's Sunday, the weather a bit hot, no plan to go anywhere yet! Just be home.. relaxing.. and search some good songs for the soul.. see time passing so fast.. just last year I was in AFG.. last Ramadhan I was in Nimroz and Laskhar Gah.. AHGGGGG.. do I miss there! Hmmm.. eventually I found good song! Opick the singer - Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik..

For my soul this song is really really Good; 
Oh GOD, we come to meet your summons, there is not ally for you, all praise and surrender to YOU. GOD we felt no light, forgeten and despised.. Perfect in beauty in front of YOU.. who all-glorious in front of YOU..

Labbaik Allah Humma Labbaik
Labbaik Allah Shareeka laka Labbaik
Innal hamda, wa ni'mata lak
Wal mulka laak shareeka lak

Wahai Allah, kami datang
memenuhi panggilanmu,
tiada lah sekutu untukmu
segala fuji dan pasrah untukmu

kami meraba tanpa cahaya
kami yang lupa, hina dan papah
dihadapanmu yg maha indah
dihadapanmu yg maha mulia

Labbaik Allah Humma Labbaik
Labbaik Allah Shareeka laka Labbaik
Innal Hamda, wa ni'mata lak
Wal Mulka lak Shareeka Lak

Labbaik Allah Humma Labbaik
Labbaik Allah Shareeka laka Labbaik
Innal Hamda, wa ni'mata lak
Wal Mulka lak Shareeka Lak

Labbaik Allah Humma Labbaik
Labbaik Allah Shareeka laka Labbaik
Innal Hamda, wa ni'mata lak
Wal Mulka lak Shareeka Lak

source: from mbah google :)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

D D D ... Anger Messages

Just a reflection from a friend !

My dear friend, told you already don't hate me so much! It's not good just wasting our energy and create anger, pain and sorrow. After a long time I being silence friend for some reasons! It's starting again with a message!

Salam, How are you? I just back from my umroh; for 12days in Mekah; Your face shadowing my eyes and I prays for you there. it's nice being there and everything run smoothly.....

I felt touching, still have somebody called " a friend " remembered and prays for me! I felt happy to her also for the chance she have to see the Baitullah.. ! then.. I reply the message! 

My dear friend, many thanks for your prays for good things, and your thoughs on me. Please forgive and forget me yeah, it's not good my face shadowing your though during your umroh at Baitullah. I'm not the right one for you, so we should stop this yeah.. okay - G'nite. Was.

On spot my lovely friend return the answer:
Dear friend, not only you appears to me so whosever appears to me I pray for them. I also know that I'm also not suitable for you and I don't expect anything in returns for you. I can accept your maaf but I don't dislike the way you treat your friend so rudely. Thanks and bye!

Then another sms later:
If you don't want me to be your friend anymore. I will acccept it on your requests. Please don't have negative thoughts on me.

The next day, another shorts message which still I can feel the sorrow and anger on it:

Salam, just want to let you know that I didn't said that you are the right one for me and please don't simply blame me for crazyier over you. I don't have that thoughts. So, please stop over this nonsense. I can forget you totally, what for to have a friend like you, who do not know how to appreciate friendship sincerely, You are a master's holder but you don't look like one the way you think and do things. Otak you terlalu sempit. Sorry to let you know this. I can forget you as you requested but I still have my rights to be close to your nices and the rest. Please dont' think that you are that so great. You are not my only friends...

The messages attack awakeing me, trying to introspection myself and this friend, where is the not right one! The message still in my phone! I still read it sometimes, try to understand myself and query my self if her judge on me as it's . Hmmm.. It's .. I don't know! NOT SURE! and I don't like these message killing my days.. thought it's just an anger and bulshit message! Yeah..I don't need to reply this...

Damn Damn Damn.. I wish you are here.. here.. here... DAMN DAMN DAMN.. I wish you are near NEAR NEAR.. (Avril Lavigne.. good song huh)

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Reminiscence of AFG


6 Months already over since I leave Afghanistan, no more “Tsengga ye.. Kamal” “Jodie..pakare.”. and sincere smiles of Afghan buddies surrounding. Do I miss them? the city of LKG that I never explored yet. The Helmand River which I never swim, even though dipping my legs on it to feel how the water is? The chef who always serve my food with some story about the Afghan customs, his family etc.. or all my colleagues, the security etc.. and the future leader of AFG – Abdul Hai.. who still fight to achieve his goal to continue his study.. Oh.. God.. though I do miss them..yeah I do.!

A friend made comment in my FB, while he saw one of my photos! He commented “Reminiscence of LKG – miles away”.. I don’t understand the word at the first, so thanks to dictionary online that I found the meaning of the word. I’m smiling and laughing by myself.. see buddy, u successfully make me laughing.

My memory back the journey while I was in Afghanistan, Helmand, Nimroz, Kabul.. the people, the works, colleagues, boss, friends, views, atmosphere, food, fruits, the dog.., Hmmm.. all sounds interesting and nice memory, except for the crazy misaddress email and some political in work.. but those all still manageable.. and I though that I should be back there!

Reminiscence of AFG, always good and fun that They remain fresh in my memory, if I’m missing them I just go to my blog. review my photos collection and talk online to some friends who still there.  Miles away my friend.. but close in my hearth...see you again around.. “Tsengga Ye”.. “Jodie”  “Pa kare “ – piye kabare  (APA KABAR) ?

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Car-Free Day to Monas

Today 2nd car-free day for end week of the month in Jakarta..

I woke up earlier this morning want to do jogging and walking relaxly from the HI cycle to Monas. I live in Jakarta, but I may counting how many times I already visited Monas (National monument).. hehehe, not a lot.. just a few time.

I am ready to do my walking at 6am, starting from bundaran HI.. go ahead to my destiny at Monas. The crowd starting already, many peoples doing the same, walking, running and pedaling their bike to the MONAS.

About half hour arrived in Monas already.. many peoples there, just doing some sport activities, and some stages for functions. None pay my attention so much, I just read their t'shirt writing STOP TB! Long Life ALIVE..etc.. my route just do one round of this history monument. Crowded surrounded, many peoples do the same, walking, jogging, relaxing, taking photos, doing business selling some food and drinks, souveniers, t-shirt monas.. etc.. etc.

In another half hour I complete my 1st round of the monument and taking some photos. I'm get ready to go home for my breakfast. Another half hour walk.. I said.. no problem I like walking today as it's car free day on the route to my home.. It's nice beautiful weather, warm and I'm sweating a bit.. just a bit.. as I don't push myself to exercise a lot.. I'ts a relaxing day for me.. I prefer to provide food for my though.. am I hungry ? :)