Allah.. Allah

Will you support for the "World Smiling Day"

Friday, December 14, 2012

Kosovo - Uzbekistan - Afghanistan - Congo - Fiji

My adrenalin to get out of this amazing Jakarta increased. Time passing, moving like crazy.. in a wink we will go for 2013 soon... soon yeah. 2010 I travel to Cambodia and Malaysia; 2011 I live in lovely Afghanistan; 2012 I live in amazing Jakarta now.. 2013 will arrive, GOD.. where will I go ahead.. which country will You show me??

Will I back to Afghanistan - still no luck yet and event no sign at all ! .. Fiji island.. looks time to say GOODBYE, .. Uzbekistan.. they said next year 2013.. :) a long way to wait.. and process as well, since 2011.. huh just wait though..  and now Kosovo KOSOVO.. is there any luck to live there? They said they need the position urgently, before x'mast, they will let me know, if I got this challenging opportunity or not.. let's see; think positively and pray for the best.. yeah will see.

The last option, will remain stay in this AMAZING Jakarta.. JAKARTA JOKOWI :) hehehe.. don't know in this heavy, traffic, busy and colourfull Jakarta, I felt so so so.. sometimes dull with the routines, sometimes fun. geleng geleng.. lucu lucu.. :) sometimes.. sometimes.. felt that not enough colours.. the lives look plain.. and flat! 

A friend told me that you have the brush and paint on your hands.. so just put any color you like.. have your own draw.. be happy and enjoy! sounds simple yeah.. it's.. Hope I can still be a dreamer..! DREAMER! DREAMER!.. why all my dreams vanished huh! try to blame on something ? Aghhhh.. 
New year coming I should make my new prays, my new dreams, ambitions, challenges..okay: 1st 1 challenges myself to swim about 7KM a week within 5days in a week! I'll try, it's realistic; measurable and achievable.. :) easy challenges and target! let's do it.. yeah I am ready to DO it DO IT.

Then.. then.. set up a new dream and plan for KOSOVO or UZBEK or CONGO or AFGHAN or JAKARTA or any other country.. GOD please guide me.. make my journeys easier to visit the other side of the world.. I want to see your creatures there, I want to breath, drink and eat there; any country that you assign me must be the best gift for me..Insya Allah.. 

This 2013 new year approaching, will provide me new hope,  new country, new blood, new life, new environment, new challenges, peoples and friends.. GOD Willing.. KOSOVO, - UZBEK - Congo - Afghanistan .. I'll arrive.. wait for me :)!

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