Allah.. Allah

Will you support for the "World Smiling Day"

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Let's Study for Free

Who said that Study is costly ? Me ME ME .. :)

Not anymore, here in Penang at Malaysian Budhist Association provided free school. It's called "Sekolah Penang Budhist Free".

Myself and drunkerhero visited this free school to get some information there. The school located at Burma Road in Penang. It's not far from our living, only about 20mnts walks.. we love walking here in Penang as the city is less polluted, can see new things along, and healthy as well as no charge ;) I love this 4 alphabets "FREE" rather than "Costly".

The learning conducted at the old building of the school. They have new building just beside called "Malaysian Budhist Institute". While study here you'll feel like study at ancient time :) while everything still classics, such as: using writing chalk, old fashioned chinese teachers, table and chairs made from timbers. All these things recall my memory at my basic school at "SDN 060795" in Medan.. wow.. cool I still remember it :)

We read some information on the information boards, as it's written mostly in Chinese.. we just smile and need to find somebody downstairs. At first floor there is a kind of praying room for the budhist. We find a lady there, and ask the information we need. She said just come at nite, as the free school only operate at nite time start from 7pm. I took some shoot of photos around and the course they offered varied from the languages course : "malaysia, chinese, thai, japanese and english", photography course, saloon and skin care course, computers, flower arrangements etc.

Though, I'll take my photography class there just for fun and to filled up my time. My friend thinking to take languages : English and Japanese as he has dream to be "Expatriate English Teacher" some days.. some times.. some where.. in the future.

Yeah.. Dreaming is always nice, easy and free but Realizing that Dream is a hard Hard efford and survivals. Sometimes paid with blood bathing and tears. hmmm see "gua jadi puitis banget" ---> I become so poetic. Anyway no harm to have dreams. It's beautiful, and make lives more lively.. rite ? RITE ? So, let's start dreaming.. and make it comes true..

Further we leave the free school premises, and find the short cut to go to Gurney drive. We keep walking as it's beatiful weather, and it's nice place to have a walk. They have big pedestrian spots, not so many traffics, many trees at the side and the road flat just beside the beach.... hmmm welcome Gurney Drive.. welcome Gurney Plaza.. want to see what's new there.. movie and other stuff they sale... cuti cuti Malaysia.......

Frisbee Time

Unhappy Childhood time, poor me.. never play Frisbee :) hehehe

It's a throwable and catchable simple games. So, the hiking team, four of us promise to play Frisbee today. We will meet at the Konven school at football field, just opposite the beach.

The place is tranquil and excellent for relaxing. It's located at the edge of the beach, got some big trees for leisurely or reading the books. Some peoples fishing on the beach, playing football or just jogging around the fields.

We met there around 6.30pm, have a small chat a while before starting the games. Then the Frisbee Time coming. It's first experiences for me to play Frisbee.. while childhood never play this game.. sounds like unhappy childhood :)

So we make some distances and start playing. The player need to throw the plastic disc to other players who need to catch it then fling it again to other player. It's really look simple games, just a peanut game I said in the beginning..

In fact it's not as simple as it's looks. While I'm into the game, mostly I misstarget the throw, I though the wind not helping me :) my good excuse. I just can't toss the disc in correct method.

My friend keep saying throw it flat so it will spin in the air that easy for other to catch. We are a good team player though... there is no winner or loser.. we play for fun.. Eventually I successfully adapt with the technics.. I can throw the disc on the target.. yeah.. YES YES.. so happy.. see, it's not difficult.. I though.. heheheh.. We have bat sweating for this exercise.. what a fun, free and healthy sport.

We play around 40mnts, when it's become darker, we stopped playing and have a rest a while at the edge of the beach. When we go home, the school's gate already locked, so we need to climb the gate for exit. See you tomorrow.. we say good bye each other.. what an interesting holiday.. play everytime..

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Padang Culinary in Penang - Mamamiyah Lezato :)

Yearning for my Padang Cuisine abroad ?

Anyway Padang food become an International cuisine. Where there is Padangness, there will be always Padang food restorants ;) (I'm thinking to open 3 resto here ;)

Is it hard to find Padang cuisine in George Town Penang? No, No problem at all. It's very easy. There are two well known Padang restorants here. One a bit expensive with many variety of menu choices located around Transfer road. The other one is located at Lebuh Tamil just beside the traditional market around Penang Road, It is called "Pusako Restorant"

The later is my favourite place to eat my Padang food at "Pusako Restorant". They already start the business for 12years at that premise. Their culinary taste fine FINE for me, and reasonable price. By spending around 4-5RM for the lunch set that included: vegetables, curry, fried fish and one glass of warm Padang tea drink. For Me The Padang Tea drink is a good accompany for my meals as its' a normal tea served warm and no sugar. While I enjoy my drink, my memory back to Minang Kabau.. my descendant hamlet.. :)

As the seller of this restorant originally come from Indonesia (West Sumatera), so most of the clients also from Indonesia, with some bule bule tourists who loves mamamiyah Lezato Padang Food :). This restorant start open the business from 10am until 8pm.

For my appetite of food I still taste that "Cambodian and Thai rice" is premium, it's a bit of sweet rice, and always good to mix with whatever extra menu. I can eat gluttonously that Cambodian's rice with simple crumble eggs, hot chille and vegetables :) hehehe.. rakus apa lapar yeee

Anyway, I'm now in Penang, and nothing so much worried to find good and healthy food here. From Western food, Thailand, Indian, Malay, Chinese cuisines and Indonesia also available here. There are many choices of culinary here and in the hearth of George Town some restorants open for 24 hours. Crazy enough rite? People are hunger for the food.

Just a little note to promote my ancient food, well blog readers.. if you come to Penang, your journey will not complete yet before having the Padang food and Tea Padang here :).. Really yeah ?? hehheh.. just a promotion..anyway but no harm to try this mamamiyah lezato Padang food...

Stop 84 @ Penang Hill

After having break at stop no.5, We all ready to move forward to hike the Stop no.84. It will take approximately another 50mnts to reach that stop. There are some trails paths, then We decided to get through the stop no.39 first to find our free hot tea, coffee or water. It's only about 10mnt to go to stop no.39. We continue our refreshing here, some chinesse hikers making some groups there to playing card, relaxing, or even just for talking.

I took some shoots of photographs from this 39 stop, the view from this stop look nicer. We are resting about 10mnts here then continue our hike to stop no.84. As we have enough time to refresh ourselves, now we ready to make further hiking.

The trail path looks fine, not really stiff but a little bit challenging. In about 40mnts we approached the Stop no.84. This stop managed by an old chinese man that keep saying "donation" "donation" put your "donation" please into the slot of thin. So the hikers, who want to have some tea/coffee or water and some biscuits, need to put some donation, 1rm, 2rm, as they wish.

We took some biscuits, hot drinks and put in some money for donation. We refreshing again at this stop about 15mnts. As usual I took some photographs for my blog. Next we ready to going down from the hill. The sky become darker and the heavy raining started. We need to wait the raining slow down before we continue our hiking down to the road. We are taking the trail path that will go to the Ayer Hitam road spot. It's about one and half hours journeys to going down plus extra times we spend to wait the raining slow down.

While we are arrived at the road of Ayer Hitam, it's still raining. Myself and drunkerhero doesn't have good preparation for this raining. We don't bring umbrella or raincoat as our other team have it. Then, it's no problem, we try to enjoy having bath with the rain, back to the childhood, feel free, playing and running under the rain.

We are waiting the bus to bring us back to our hotel at George Town - The backpackers area in Penang. We are getting inside the bus, feel wet and colder with Aircond bus. At 8pm we arrived at George Town, we stop and say goodbye each other. We promise to play Frisbee tomorrow afternoon... Wow.. what a good holiday.. playing all the times.. :) hehehe

Monday, April 26, 2010

Hiking on Penang Hill Stop No. 5

Hiking on Penang Hill (from Botanical Garden to Stop No. 5)

Quiet long time we are not doing hiking up the hill. It was about 2 months ago our last time hiking in lovely Penang Hill. We meet our hiking guide this afternoon, and he told us his plan to go hike tomorrow, and if I want to joint that will be great. In fact I am still on holiday ;) thought it's a good working out to the natures by doing hike and hill trackers. So the next day, we meet again at the "Pusako Padang Restorant" in George town, we have our good lunch there before starting our hike.

There are four of us in this hiking team. One is a NZ's lady, an active and fit lady. She has not never make up to the top of the hill yet. On her mysterious age, she still look very frisky to break an unique record for her hobby to walk or even running from George Town to Batu Ferringgi beach.. wow.. wow.. That's special I though.. why not joint her running some times:) about 15-20km run bokkkk.. hehehe.. very special

So, we all set up, we take the bus no. 101 for the route to teluk bahang. We stopped around one stop close to my Indonesian embassy (be proud to be Indonesian) :) hehehe.. Then we continue our walk to the botanical garden hiking point.

We arrived to the hiking point around 1.15pm, We feel already the fresh and clear air, the wind blowing to the big big trees, and some mongkeys welcoming us. I took some shoots for this Darwin's descendants, then we start our hiking. We got a new accompany from a local 67yo chinese which made hiking as his daily sport to keep him on excellent conditions. Yes on his age, he still look very fit to walk around the hill trails.. and he is a kind of entertain man, he become our guide for the new trail path to the hill. Times moving, we keep moving, and stepping the trail path to the hill.

At this hiking myself and drunkerhero in a very very survival situations.. hehehe.. crazy, Althought we are the youngers among all the teams but we need to admit that.. we still not fit enough to hike. we having shower with our sweathing, we are breathing fasters, and our legs like carrying lots of load while stepping.

Aghhgg... I need a resttt..... guysss.. i need a rest..... ohpss.. The senior hikers keep walking.. only the drunker hero still around me. He said.. come on.. come on.. man.. keep hiking.. No.. no I said.. can't I need a rest... You can go a head.. a need a little rest.. and have my seat under the trees.. I kept bathing with my sweaths and my hearth pump the blood and breath faster.. hmmmm..

Come on 2mnts more, we will reach the stop point.. ahggggg.. I need a rest.. I need water.. hehehe.. yeah.. we can rest at the stop point and drink pure pipe hill water there.. my friend entertain me.. hmm aghhhhhh sounds this trail path more difficult then the one we used before..
I'm dying, and I don't want to be leave alone in this jungle.. then I said i can do that.. so, hardly.. wake up and start moving my legs step by step.. yeah.. it's really 10mnts.. huh.. to the stopped YES Yes.. finally we can reach that stopped.. Good GOOD GOOD..

What do I do first at the stopped point? It's not like usual as They don't have drinks at this stopped.. ahgg.. no.. :) but they have pipe water, pure water from the natural those can drinks. So, I wash my face, my hands and glug.. glug.. glugggg hmmm the drinks ahh.. mamamiyahhhh lezato.. heheh

Feeling recovery, refresh.. and sitting to relaxing a while.. taking some shoots of photos on this stopped then resting, hmmm.. I'm ready to move.. I think :)

We have rest about 20mnts there.. Next stop 84 stopped point.. we are.. coming.. :)

Just Take Care of My Eyes


There was a blind guy who hated himself, just because he was blind.

He hated everyone except his loving girl friend. She was always there for him.

He said that if he could only see the world he would married his girl friend.

One day some one donated a pair of eyes to him, and then he could see everything, including his girlfriend.

His girl friend asked him now that you can see the world would you marry me. The guy was shocked when he saw that his girl friend was blind too and refused to marry her.

His girl friend walking away in tears and later wrote a letter to him saying just take care of my eyes.. please.

The moral:

This is how human changed when the status changed, only few remember what live was before and who has always been there in the most painfull situation.

From anonymous proverb writer.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Good Bye Sleepless Khao San

Staying two nites in Bangkok at Khao San road. Nothing so much to do except the city tours. Walking around the unsleep Khao San road and eating at the Moslem restaurant next to Khao San road.

The foods are tastefull, and reasonable prices. You can find various foods in this moslem restorant from chicken rice, noodle soups, a kind of mixed vegetables with noodles, tofu, martabaks and satai.. hmmm mamamiyah lezato..

Amaze me, "mie bakso" also available here. The "meat ball noddle soups" hmmm.. I miss to eat "bakso" so much and decided to try it here. The taste still fine.. eventhough not as tastefull as "Bakso Titoti" pasar Minggu Jakarta :) but still fine FINE FINE. Talking about bakso.. make me feeling hunger again.. :)

Continue my walking around the nite market, still neighbourhood area from Khao San. In this nite market sell some kinds of antiques or used stuffs. The location is opposite the Royale hotel just around the park.

This illicit street vendors just display their merchandises along the pedistrian path. From used Handphone, DVD, CDs, some antiques stuffs, like cheramics vase, toys, medicines, foods, drinks and clothing are available there. I took 1 hour walking around for window dressing, eating the spicy local noddle food at nite market then go home through the Khao San road.

This sleepless road always very nice to passed through as many things you can see there. I need to say Goodbye for Khao San as tomorrow I'll leave to take my train and go to Malaysia.. Bye bye.. Khao San.. bye bye Red Shirts Bangkok.. and welcome back to the heritage city of Georgetown in Penang.. Malaysia.. my 2nd home :)

Passionate in Helping Others - Message from SRMCDO

A promise to Siem Reap Muslim Community Development Organization (SRMCDO).

Last time in Seam Reap, while having lunch in a moslem restorant, The Vice President of SRMCDO mr. Apdulkanny Muoth accompanied me. He is a young active leader together with the mosque leader (Imam) who build this NGO.

He passed me his business card, and brief a bit in Malay language regarding his NGO. He also explain further about the tiny moslem community in Seam Reap. He comes originally from Kampong Cham province in Cambodia. Generally the population is moslem and able to speak Malay.

In his village he also has NGO to support the community there. He mentioned the needed for volunteer teachers (English, Malay and Arabic) to teach the ingenuous students in Kampong Cham and Seam Reap. No worried about the accommodation and food, they will provide that for whoever passionate in helping others.

In addition currently his NGO needs some reading materials, such as books, or other teaching tools (in bahasa Malaysia, English or Arabic) those are very limited. The students are hungry with the knowledge through good reading material resources.

To whom earnest befriend with others, I hope this message from SRMCDO able to touch you sincere hearth to share and do something. Whoever want to talk further may directly contact the following address:

"Siem Reap Muslim Community Development Organization"
Mr. Apdulkanny Muoth
Vice President
#608, Group8, Stung Thmey Village,
Svay Dongkum COmmune,
Siem Reap Town,
Siem Reap Province
Kingdom of Cambodia

Phone: +855 89700 090
Office: + 855 16 946 220

Thank you lovely readers, I'm happy as eventually I can accomplish my words to write their message into my blog.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Khao San Road in Bangkok vs Jalan Jaksa in Jakarta

Been to the Mekah of backpackers travellers in Khao San road Bangkok?

If you come to Khao San road Bangkok, you will feel not like in Asia. As anywhere you can find mostly "western --> bule bule" tourists surrounding. It's not a long road but very very lively, busy and low budget business areas. From the 100bath dormitory rate until a little bit expensive room located here.

The nites look never sleep in Khao San, the business still there.. the backpackers traveller seems get imsonia at Khao San. They are drinking, eating, dancing, singing, they are talking each others, sharing the information of their journeys, or doing some shoppings.

Padthai - fried noodles, vegetarian and non vegetarian selling along the street. It's quite favorite food, as it's served fresh and quick. The price start from 25Bath to 50Bath, depend on what you have inside. Another famous food is pancake.. banana pancake etc.. it's mostly easy and halal food for moslem to consumpt in this touristics areas. Fresh cutting fruits and juices also easily found around Khao San road.

Beer, whisky.. nothing to worried.. that's the heaven here for the alcoholics. They can enjoy the drinks and food from the many bars along the street. You can find also some attractions, street singers, acrobat doing by tourists and so on. Dr.Fish also available here.. massage, spa etc. what else? Well, plenty of streets vendors, selling from food, shoes until clothing.. and all the prices are reasonable eventhough not as cheap as in Cambodia but for the tourists who has base income on USD, Pounds, or Euro currency the price offered just like a nut.. "kacang bok.."

It's please my attention how come "Khao San" road become so lively live. I can't imagine million of dollars moving around in a day here. Suddenly I remembered Jaksa road in Jakarta.. hmmm.. very shy to compare with Khao San road. It is come into my mind also, How come "Jaksa road" significantly dead road to compare with this "Khao San" road.. hehehe..

I have made my own analysis about that..but let's see what is the bloggers comments especially about Khao San Road in Bangkok vs Jaksa road in Jakarta...

Hmmm I still shy to mention Jalan Jaksa.. but that's okay.. atleast we still have a little budget area to promote. Abruptly in my dream to make Jalan Jaksa a little bit happening like Jalan Khao San.. but sounds it's very big challenging and work to do.

I hope our tourists authorize department who already visited Bangkok can provided some changes for Jalan Jaksa.. Hopefully..

Welcome Red Shirts of Thailand :)

Going forward to stamps my passport and the Thai immigration officer friendly ask me to see the camera.. and smile.. click..... welcome to Aranya Prathet.. the border of Thailand.

He is not nicely welcoming the guests actually.. don't know why.. It suppose to be more interesting if they welcome the guests friendly.. not just saying next NEXT NEXT.. huh..

Anyway.. I don't care (but I hope Indonesian Immigration officers who read this will welcoming our guests warmly). I keep heading to the exit.. and here I am.. at Aranya Prathet.. Thanks God nobody wearing red shirts around the borders.. :)

From the border to find the bus stop to go to Bangkok is not far. Just follow the sign board to exit and there are some officers will do randomly checking of your luggages. From that point you already can see the Aranya Prathet Market.

Walking around the market, they have bank to change my currency into Bath, and also have some bus stand to go to Bangkok. They charge 200Bath from Aranya Prathet to Ekamai bus stop in Bangkok. The bus will depart at 2pm, so it will take another 4 to 5hours journeys.

I countinue my walk to explore the market, make some photos and window dressing what do they sell mostly in the border market. Amazing me in some shops they sell packs of clothes (female shirts) contain of 100pcs for only 2000Bath. What the hell cheap. The clothes are branded from Giardano brand etc whichs look fine quality... hmmm... It's make more interesting to buy for the business but unfortunately.. it's so hard for them to communicate.. they can't speak english at all, meanwhile I speak Thai nothing all.. hmmm.. what a day..

Time is moving.. as I continue my window dressing and a bit disappointed as they can't speak English. Next time if I come here again, I need a local translator to shop here. I finished the shopping and back to my bus, the passengers almost full when I'm coming.. and they directed me to seat near the toilet.. hmmm.. ahggggg.. but no choice it's all my mistake to come late.. so I sit there beside the toilet where the pissing aroma arose.. ahggg.. bau pipis bok :)

Around 6pm we arrived at Ekamai bus terminal around sukhumvit Bangkok.. Going down faster to take MRT and ahead to Khao San Road..

Goodbye Poi Pet (Seam Reap)

Get ready to say goodbye to cheap warm friendly city like Seam Reap..

I woke up early and prepared for my trip to Poi Pet, the border at cambodian side to Thailand border (Aranya Prathet). I took my breakfast at the moslem small resto that no so far from the mosque. I finished my tasteful chicken rice for only 1.25USD.

Walking further to the Capitol bus stand which located around the old market. It's not far and walking distance only from my guest house. I bought my ticket from Seam Reap to Poi Pet for 3.5USD, other ticketing agents will sell the price in between 5-7USD. I make some poses of photos before living the cheap and friendly city of Seam Reap.. hmm.. I felt kindly sorrow to leave this lovely city.. but I should moving forward into my tight jouneys' schedule.

The trips from Seam Reap to Poi Pet taking about 3-4hours. The road is smooth and well constructed. The bus stopped about 2-3times depend on the driver's mood ;)It is beautiful morning and the weather nice today. We arrived in Poi Pet around 11.30am. The bus stopped in the corner spaces of customs office. I get ready to get down of the bus and passed through the immigration counter office... I whispering goodbye Seam Reap.. welcome red shirt Thailand ;)

Although the situation in Bangkok a little hot for the red shirts grouping protest.. but I have not enough scare. Keep walking and getting through the Aranya Prathet the border of thailand.. stamps my passport in the immigration, smilling to take photos.. and here we are.. Welcome Stranger to Thailand... again I'm uttering...