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Monday, June 6, 2011

Back to U

BACK TO U or Afghan, Afghan or U.. U or Afghan :)

Monday morning, 6-06-11 in the bus, on my way to go back to my university. Am I missing my school? J full of doubts in my mind if I should come again to my humanity school which is for me not really human friendly.. L.. hmm I am questioning myself again if I’m ready to meet them, the dean, deputy, my supervisors, my friends etc JLet’s see. Though I’m not ready,No.. not ready yet! I don’t have enough supplied to answer them. I’m still in the bus approaching soon my school.

I wonder to know, what is my studentship status now, am I still one of their problematic student? I really want to know, as up to now I have no any single email that remind me about my status. My student visa already expired, and I’m not paying for the fees! J should I expect more ? Hmmm I really have no idea! That’s why, I should come and find out more the info, just don’t put high my expectation, as I get through all of this issue already.. so yeah don’t expect too much that my school will like to find some ways to help me! Don’t even dare to dream about that!..hmmm

I’m getting closer, so I’ll see my university doctor first, make appointment for continuous medical treatment, then I’ll go to IPS to check my research grants status and finally doing my counselling with the student affairs.

12 noon, I completed seeing my doctor and IPS personnel to talk about my grants research.. everything fine.. the doctor said my blood pressure normal and the hearth beat rate also fine. She doesn’t recommend further blood testing, until I show her my previous cholesterol result and doctor’s recommendation. Eventually she agreed with me to check up my blood for the cholesterol control. I need to come back tomorrow to do that testing.

I believe things should be okay, I just got a lot of pressure lately and getting full of stress in the lovely Afghanistan. Still I’m not really sure yet if I need to go back to U.. I’ll carefully things about that.. back to U or Afghan.. U or Afghan, Afghan.. Afghan..U.. U.. U Afghan ?? God, sincerely I’m begging you, please help me to choose the best option for me, in between going back to lovely Afghan or to my humanistic school.J I don’t make up my mind yet, STILL!

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