Allah.. Allah

Will you support for the "World Smiling Day"

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Some Smiley Faces :)

Almost two weeks here in lovely Afghanistan, after my holiday. I'm starting to count my days again, looking forward for the new assignment, new place, new province and new people.. I'm expecting the unexpected, I need to be prepared, just be prepared and hope nothing. I just let it flowing through the Helmand river till the Nimrooz border of Iran.. :)

The feeling of severe, sometimes appeared with some why questions, why do I need to go to another place? why do I need to leave some nice and good buddies here? How can I tackles up with all this new atmospheres?

Hmmm.. sometimes that negative, and doubts comes again to my mind. Well, I don't care with that negative thoughs so much.. try to cancel it.. Cancel Cancel Forget It.. CCFI.. I said !

I just think of the new live experiences with new people and places.. It would be more lively and more challenging for me! Will make live more lively, will burn my blood high, and open my eyes widely! Yes, though I'm excited and counting again my days here.. five more days to go ;) yeah another 5 days :)

This afternoon, I'm doing some light exercise around the compound and taking some photos. Some Afghan buddies like usual, greeting me warmly with smile.. and the standart greeting "tsengga yee" :) I'm answerring their greetings with a big smile also.

It's a lovely afternoon as I saw some local buddies with smiling and happy face.. very awesome.. very very nice. Although it's end of the month - old month as employee, no paydays yet :) but They are still nicely transfer their smiley face to me. Oh Lord, how beautiful your creatures with smile. How tender, sincere hearted and friendly this people I met in my compound!

I'm taking some photos on this lovely afternoon with some smily faces. When I observes their smily face.. though how peaceful their lives and how happy smily face they have. Awesome! Mantap! I hope They can keep it up.. be happy and no worried!.. Yeah.. and keep smiling my friend! Let's your worried goes with your big smile and peaceful mind..

Imagining that everybody that I met tomorrow will be the same.. the happy person and with smile. It will be nicer.. if Not, then I'll start it.. by greeting them with warm and big smile.. yeah.. let's see.. starting tomorrow until the rest of my time here, I'll greet warmly anybody I meet with smile.. :) :) :) Insya Allah.. I can do that.. just to make small study, how is it going! no harm to make people laugh :)..

Yes, yeah 5days to go and to keep smiling and happy... and NWBH.. my smiley friends.. Things will be fine.. and just GREAT.. so keep and share your smiley energy with others..Mantap! Awesome.. yok, dwa, dree.. here you are some smiley face of Afghan people surrounding my compound!

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