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Friday, June 24, 2011

Terlado - Spicy Eggplants + Shrimps

Terong belado ijo and udang imut!

Friday, an offday here, so just like usual.. on the day off, we don't have the cook to serve us, so to survive we need to make our own food :) YES, so far I can survive with this matter. It is enjoyable for me, to kill my off day time by learning new skills - to experiences the culinary, by making my own favorite food.. but noted that It's just still for my own consumption only :)

We have eggplants in the backyard, and green chilly plants as well. It's very nice and easy, I just go to the backyard and pick up them to prepare the ingredients. I browsed mbah google to asked the information about making Terlado - spicy eggplants. So, it's look very simple and easy to make it. Then I start to cook it. It's not taking so long time to make it, in less than a hour my lunch set ready.

I have Terlado which include boiled eggplants, shrimps, and fried green chilly together with plain fried rice and a piece of fried chicken. I have my water and Mirinda for the drink. So, how was the taste ?? :) Hmmm.. not bad.. thought event it's best as a starter to make it. The sweet is there, the spicy.. not so much.. hehehe.. don't know why ? Perhaps the eggplants already sweets, and also the chili pepper taste not so hot here compare to cabe rawit di Indonesia :) so, yeah atleast the flavour still there.

In fact eggplant is one of my unfavourite vegetables, but as not so much choices of available vegetables here.. then I need to change my mind, and put it in one of my list. Terlado taste is fairly good.. the eggplan soft and a bit sweet.. but the shrimps always good! whatever way I cook it.. that's my favorite.. shrimps.. only They are. too small baby..too small .. If only we have tiger prawn here!! hmmmn.. Awesome..!

Finish eating my lunch set! Remaining only one third of my Terlado, I put it in microwave, whoever want to try and eat.. They are welcome.. and tonite my plan to have nasgor or misop only for the dinner! Yeah.. cooking become not a big deal for me now! I learn and tried already some of my favorite foods, like : perkedel, tomyam, misop, bakso, bubur kacang hijau and now Terlado.. good.. GOOD GOOD.. K.. very good.. I compliment myself :) keep it trying.. thought it's always best to learn new skills....... yeah.. It's AWESOME.. MANTAP..gan!

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