Allah.. Allah

Will you support for the "World Smiling Day"

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A crying out - Hitting vs Smiling to ROMA

Proverb said that "many ways to go to ROMA". same as many methodes to release your tension. Up today, I didn't register my study yet, the lucky is I already got my students visa :) so, a little bit entertain for my case that I don't need to go to border to extent my stay in Malaysia... Heheheh.

Anyway, when I kept thinking about my situation some negative thoughs appeared. I questioned myself if I'm coerceing too much myself ? Am I very ambitious ? "without capital Monet --> Modal Nekat. Temporary the answer "Don't know".. I tried to ask a friend - drunker hero, but find the same answer "DON't KNOW" huh.. huh.

That day, I'm still very confusing and upset. I lost my smiling plavour, wrinkles on my faces and so tights face, but luckily not so many people at the "frisbee field". Infact I can't force myself to smile, I have found another methodes. I strongly fist my hands and hit on the air plus the abusive words. Looks this way not helping for me.

I still need to do something to release this pressures. Then I want to hit the earth, but looks like it will painfull myself.. so I cancelled. Inspite of hitting the soil, I'm doing my long shouting in the middle of the football field.

This looks fine for a moment. Thought a couple of tourist hear my shouting and try to observe me.. but.. I don't care. I move a little bit further close to the coastal beach.

One, Two, Three.. I command my self.. to make a long yelling...
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH" shrieking again.. I don't care, thought drunkerhero heard my shouting but he keep consentrated with his afternoon exercises. Further continue my shrieking..

I move close to the big tree and crying out:



Sometimes I changed the shouting alphabet, instead of AAAGGG, I used BBBBBBBB, or CCCCCCCCC.. but AAAAAAAAGGGh sounds very loosing and releasing.

Temporarily I felt releases YES, YES, but though I'm shouting too much, worring and thinking so much. It's not good. I'm feeling not well.. a bit warm my head, small fever I thought and now I have problem with my throat. It's dry, and hard to swallow my own saliva..... ahgggg hehehe.. see shouting it's not really good way to go to ROMA for me :)

Well, anyway.. I just though that, perhaps, I am experiences less of rest and eat too much curry and spicy indian foods. So, I try to manage my food, Instead of having curry or other spicy foods. I selected some fresh salad, or clear vegetables with fish. I drank a liquid mixture also for my dry throat problems and drinks water as much as possible.

I promised never ever to do shouting again to go to ROMA :) hehehe, inspite of I just can do swimming to cooldown my head and mind or maybe trying hard to create big smile by remembering some beautiful moments in the lives or dream.. dream.. dreaming for the wonderful live in the future.. God Willing...

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Vote for the WSD

Dear all happy people.. let's VOTE for the World Smiling Day (WSD)

To continue my study about the power of smiling and the possibility for us to have the world smiling day all over the world, herewith I created one polling. It's a simple survey in my blog. The poll is regarding the creation of World Smiling Day.

What's in your perception about that 'smiling day' are you:
Pro (support the formation of the day),
Contra (disagree with the formation of the day),
or Balance (don't know, or no opinion).

Please all happy readers, after reading the blog of "the power of smile - world smiling day" Don't forget to VOTE. I'll put in the blog the results after the vote period expired, or perhaps in newspapers in the future.

Thank you all for the smiley and happy people, let's share the positive energy of your smiles to others be happy and no worried.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Power of Smiling - World Smiling Day

Smile to The Word to give you Positive Ardol - celebrate the World Smiling Day

Today is hard hard hard day for me. I'm expecting to get repayment for my money, scheduled this week so I'll be able to pay my tution and register my study this monday. But till this afternoon I checked my balance still zero.. ahgg.. I said huh huh HUH, and some other cursing, as well as verbal abuse. Blame things on myself. I am very very dispointed with the people can't keep the words. I felt bad, I felt sad, disappointed all plavour blended become one, christal shadow in my eyes.. hmm.. am I too sniveling thought?. So, I sms him again, tell him the situation and hope for the best afford he can do to keep his promise.

Long time enough I keep thingking the alternatives ways, if he fail to do repayment, and talk to some close friends, just for them to listen our problems. Thought it's always nice to have somebody to hear our problems. On the bus, I'm still thinking.. thinking and watch the other faces of the passengers, thousands faces.. very little has some smile on the face. I capture my own photographs and observe my face.. huh.. so bad looking full of problem face and very bad mood. I said to myself, can I have my smile back eventhough I have problems?

I keep observing other faces, so common face, they look tired after working, some faces still have smile on it, some others common, and my problem face.. huh I don't even like to see it by myself. How about others seing me. I said.. come on.. it's not end of the world, there must be some other ways, come on.. smile.. keep smiling to release your tension. So, I counting two three I tried to smile, four five six, I am smiling to myself already.. see.. the power of smile, I can be positive. I can forget a while my problems.. yes and thinks clearly the alternatives ways if my friend still default to pay.

Yes, smile smile smile.. I felt a bit stronger and get the energy while i'm seing the sincere, fresh, smiling people around me. So, I am thinking to write about the power of Smiling. I'm talking with the people around that I'm going to write about SMILE, and will posted it in my blog. I asked some peoples to smile in the photos, and I'm discussing about SMILE SMILE SMILE.. energy with the drunker hero.. too.

From the bus walking down to Banana cafes, I stopped a while to see my Myammar's friend JeLo .. Telling her about the smile, and she voluntarily become one of the models. I walked to love lane area and met one "mammu" street vendors. I say hai to him and has small chit chat and ask him to smile also. Got two smiley faces support me already. During our Frisbee, another shoot for smiling people, a malay stranger. I asked him to smile.. then he smile also.. hehehe.. SMILE SMILE SMILE to the world.

I am dreaming to have a smile day.. someday.. "WORLD SMILE DAY-WSD".. Imagine all peoples we met has nice, sincere, friendly smile.. wow.. WOW.. WOW.. how much good energy we can share to the world? How much warm friendship we can created to the world through smiling.. that's the power of smile.

It's give me idea just for fun to make simple study to understand how is the smile tendency of the tourists in Penang. Tourists from which country original has more friendly smile face in Penang? or can we thinks out of the box "how difficult the situations" can we still has a big smile and thanks for the feelings we have.. ?? hmmm.. see I'm forgoting my problems now.. instead giving me idea to study more about the power of SMILING :)

Now I'm smiling writing my blog, tomorrow I'll keep worried or smilling about the financial deadline for my study huh.. HUH.. miracles.. miracles don't take a way the smile of me.. let's the power of Smiling remain. I'm expecting you read this blog with big smile, forget all the burden in your live for a seconds, keep smiling to others.. transfer and share the power of smile to others... and make the "World Smile Day" happening.. God Willing......

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Frisbee Again.. Leave my journals at home..

Playing Time..

I spent about 6hours at my school today. Reading, and reading again my journals related with my topic. About 4pm I backed home, and leave all my journals, laptop in my room and bring the blue frisbee plate.. Ready to play.. time for playing Frisbee again.

Though need variation in live, if not feel so dull.. boring boring.. hehehe Keep saying in my hearth, enjoy aja.. keep enjoy... About a week I'm busy with my research, jounals etc with very very little progress, cause till now I couldn't find the good topics that I want to do.. ahgggg it's not easy.. the more I read the more I think,.. the more confusing I have.. huh huh.. time for playing.. I better forget it for a while.. hehehe

So, 5.30 pm I went to the usual place for playing Frisbee. The drunker hero already there, do his afternoon jogging and exercise. He has very very healthy live style now. He decided to get less of drinking and smoking now. Bravo.. Bravo.. that's good.. man..

Then we start playing the game. Only two of us playing the Frisbee now at usual place, if anyone would like to joint are very welcome :) the schedule from 6 - 7pm everyday.. Really everyday? hehehe.. don't know. It's a good game actually, always has bath sweating while playing this game.

We try to play by good technic now. Try to learn the good way to throw the disk. We start from close distance and try a little bit further distances. While we already mastering for short distance, just long distance we still can't shoot nicely. Need a lot of practice though. Well around 6.45 we finished the games, and back home. Indeed it's really good games even just play by two players.

As usual I took some photograps for my blog. Well readers, if you are interested to joint the Frisbee games, don't hesitate to joint us.. just come.. say that.. and we will have fun to play it. Okay, see you at the field.. and let's play.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

A man from HEAVEN

I recopied paste my first blog, that written about 2years ago.. Don't know if others ever has this same unique experiences.. Enjoy it..

Wed, 9 April 08

A man from Heaven
Today, I’m Late Again to Office! (TILAtO )

My mistake, late sleep and late wake up. I am always ignored the shubuh azan, even lately I become deaf.. never heard the God calls.. hmmmmm. The distance of the mosque to my apartment just a few meters, but the Azan calling never wake me up. Oh GOD, I felt very bad. Many times I setting up my alarm, I did wake up, but I sleep again, again sleep, sleep like never enough. The satanic on my eyes, sit on my eyelid made it heavy super heavy to open. My spirit also less.. getting less.. ohggggggg ahggggggg.. why? WHY ? hmmmmm…. Hmmm…. I’m bitting my lips, though hardly about that.

I woke up at 8am, get ready to the office.. take my angkot go to pasar minggu, and wait another bus to Sudirman! Quiet long waiting, I stand up opposite of the road, reading the novel of “tragedy Nadra” the story become more more interesting. I don’t care in shining morning sun, standing up and read the novel, with my eyes sometimes searching for my bus. About 15mnts the bus, arrived.. ahggggg finally, and luckily me I got the seat beside an old lady. I continue my readings, sometimes my minds mixed up with the story of the novels. The road in Pasar minggu well known with the hell traffic jams. I passed by the same roads, this week on a row I late to the office for three days, Oh my GOD! Will I get the notice from the HR hmm..  I don’t care so much.

Passengers keep coming, and getting the bus full. Ladies, Man, boys and girls, are standing on the aisle of the bus. There is one man, with very terrible clothes and flavor just standing beside the lady who sit on my side. I’m busy with my novel, meanwhile I saw the lady sit inconveniently, with her hands covered her noise with her handkerchiefs. Hmmmmm… She tastes the flavor of the man from heaven. Though the man has mentally problem. His clothes dirty, tires anywhere, and looks never get shower for such a long time... The flavors goes anywhere, I saw not only the lady sit beside him close her noise some other passenger do the same. Hmm… I’m sure.. This lucky man has mental problems. He felt no guilty, face plain like baby, saw something outside the windows, he sometimes put his plastic bag on the floor, and take it back.. to release his tiredness by standing.

I’m still keep reading the “Tragedy Nadra”, even the smells also attack my noise, I don’t care. I’m thinking I’m not much better then this mentally man. I called him the man from the Heaven. I think he could be has better position in front of the greatest maker later ….. I believe he will be the heaven man … the man from heaven … Sometimes, I spy on him and observe the people around him.. but I’m still thinking for nothing except on my mind, he is the one, the lucky man – the man from heaven and continue reading my novel.

Due can’t survive with the scents of the obsessed man who standing in front of the old lady, finally she move up, and find a standing place just a meter from the man. Observing an empty seat beside me, that man, who I though has mentally problem decided to take her seat. Finally he seat beside me.. Ahggggggg the man from the heaven just sit side by side with me. His sweating arms nudging my shoulder.. oh no OH OH.. NO.. I tried to give him more space, but not possible with the narrow seat and full of passenger, made it difficult. I attempted to squish my body so we don’t touch each other, but still not possible. Eventually I back to my novel, the bad aroma become more intense, but I don’t care and keep reading.. I am still though he is the man from the heaven… still and continue my reading.

Occasionally, I tried to watch the man, what he is doing. I saw him made a movement like people who do praying while sitting. He move both his hands up and enfold them on his stomach.. I didn’t observed too much, but I noticed he did it quiet offend. A slight curious comes in my mind about what is he doing – is it praying or he just react like that. Any chance I still spy him, and he still do that, make a move like somebody praying, “Takbiratur Ikhram” hmm… see.. is it a sign for me ?? Oh GOD.. Even your mentally creatures still praise on you. My vanity, I still don’t care so much what the man from heaven doing. I didn’t even see his face or mouth moving saying something. I’m so deaf with him.. and back to my novel..

About twenty minutes he sat beside me, his wet sweating shifting on my long sleeves shirt. Oh oh.. I felt the scents.. hmmmm.. some of the aroma transferred to me. I still don’t care! To entertain, I still said that he will be the man from the heaven.. yeah he will be the one. So I don’t so much concern about the flavor – the bad aroma! I hope someday the bad scents will change into the best fragrance, the most soft smell scents that whoever smell it will try to come close and find the source. Yeah.. I’m expecting that happened.

Later the man, standing up and get ready to get down. The scents again get more sharpen as he is standing and leave his seat. I’m survive, I manage to control that scents, without covering my noise.. hmmm eventually he step down from the bus. In a minutes my seat still empty even though some passengers still standing up. Perhaps they understand the situations and still felt the aroma of the man from heaven.. Yeah I believe that. Then a young girl seat beside me, after firstly offered the old woman to seat there, but the old woman refused it. She still prefer to standing up. Yeah .. Yeah.. I still smell the bad scents.. if I look to the left I still found the bad scents remain on my shirt. But I still don’t care.

The girl just seat a half of the chair, we are really not seating side by side. I don’t know why, perhaps because she can manage it, as there are not so many passengers standing now. Some passengers already step down to their stop by. I continue reading my novel. That experience sitting with the man from heaven, doesn’t concern me so much. I don’t think so much about that even the flavor remains on my shirt. Further my stop by getting closer. I’m putting my novel on my bag, and get ready to step-down.

I arrived in my office at 10am. Crazy traffic.. I don’t need wasting my energy to complain about it. It’s a routine a continuous history about traffic in Pasar Minggu. I believe people surrounded with this situation. They are exhausted to complain about that, and manage to enjoy it .. just enjoy.. ENJOY.. spent about 1.5hours just enjoy.. oh oh .. I’m late again to the office .. my mistake.

I enter the office by greeting good morning to my receptionist with big smile, shy to be late again coming to my office, but she looks such a nice receptionist answering my greeting with a big smile too  oh .. you are so lovely Marina by replying my morning greeting with hearty smile. Thank you my receptionist you make my DAY today, with your smile.. I already forgotten about the man from heaven and do focus on my paper work. WORK WORK WORK…I love Wednesday!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

IAMD 2010 "Many Lights for Human Rights"

Many Lights for Human Rights - some notes from IAMD 2010.

From the island plaza, I took bus home and stopped a while at Penang Times Square. There is an "International Aids Memorial Days - IAMD 2010" ceremony there.

While I coming the event already started. The audiences already made the "ribbon formation". They expected 1000 spectators to form that "aids ribbon" symbol. It's quiet big stage and hall at Penang Times Square. They conducted the event at open stage.

The MC, welcoming the important person who arrived on the stages and starting the ceremony. One of them is the representative from USM. In fact USM give good support for the AIDS research and community in Malaysia. This event sponsored by CASP (Community Aids Service Penang), a local NGO who supports the AIDS education, prevention and provided shelter for the neglected HIV positive deseace infected people.

The speaker from USM briely elaborated about the history of AIDS cases in Malaysia, starting from 3 cases and now up to approximately 90.000 cases in Malaysia. He mentioned also to behave toward the infected HIV Positive people as like other deceases. It's not necessary to isolated and hate them as they are infected. Other peoples need to be friends with them, provide many lights for human rights.

The ceremony continue with the "poetry or story" reading by one doctor. The theme of the poetry is "I'm HIV Positive". The reader has delivered the story nicely using Malay language. It's quiet good story telling about how an infected wife facing the reality, trying to survive in her conditions and still has dreams in the remaining of her live for their family, friends and her country.

It's a short of celebration actually. It's ended with the song of "We are the World" from Michael Jackson. The audiences waving the lights and singing together. At closing there are some fireworks also. I made some shoot of photos of this IAMD = Lights for the Human Rights.. just as the function at nite.. my camera has poor results for taking photos at nite.. aghhhhh need to change my camera.. though ;) hehehe.

Finally, I hope this blog can provided inspiration for us to continously giving many lights for human rights and support them for keeping spirit to struggle for vitality live... God willing.....

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Playing Over - Back Study :)

End of the playing time, the begin of studying time :)

Yesterday, we met to play our Frisbee at the same beautiful place "the field of Convent School". It's always nice to have playing the game at fresh outdoor field. We use two Frisbee's disc plates at this time (green and blue) .. wow.. that's more interesting.

Each player need to call other players name to make them alert to catch the discs. We need to be more conscious and focus to catch and throw the discs. About 45mnts we finished the games, I experienced bath sweating as usual and still not get used yet for the nice shoot. hmmm.. I need to practice more, and more.. more.

One of our Frisbee friend will be back travelling to Medan today for a month. So, he leave us his plate disc and also one "cambodian/vietnam's tek tek game" I called that. It's commonly use in rural area in Indonesia last time. While I was kid I did play the game. "Tek Tek" is a set of chicken feather with round skin foundation. The players need to throw it by kick it to other players. Another interesting games, I saw that in Ho Chi Minh and Cambodia some locals play that game beautifully. We will practice that game soon.. :)

I am thinking to finish my pleasure time and back to focus on my study. I have a lot of things to be prepared for my study. I though... Holiday.. over.. playing times finished.. hehehe.. Yeah I need to make my commitment and be discipline to start doing my research.. read read READ, and write write WRITE for my study. see, how excited I'm to back for my study ;) hehehe.

I intent to spend 8 hours a day for my study.. hmmm.. can I do that ?? Mamamiyah lezato.. ahggggggggg.. Although I already have many journals related with my reseach topics but I'm still feeling lazy to start reading and writing. They all untouchable still ;) Anyway that's my good choice to study back. I need to start soon as long as no more others days to read and write. "Welcome to the Reality Live Show drunkerhero" :) hehehe.

What a nice confident that I have! Okay.. Okay.. I am sure I can do that. I'll start today, 3 May 2010 from 2pm back to study.. spents 8 hours to read the journals, and write :) hahaha.. 8 hours a day again, I doubt ?? I'm still questioning my self. I have negative thinking of the monotous reading of the scientific journals that very hard for me to understand.. oh oh.. miracles.. MIRACLES.. come to me.. please give me a little spirit to understand what the Dr, Professors or other smart educated peoples in this world write in their journals actually.. hehehe. I'm dreaming again, read bro.. READ so you will understand.. Iqro.. Iqro.. no miracles just Iqro.. :)

Well, I decided to have a little break in writing my blog at 10USD journeys though.. and start to write at my study journeys blogspot.. but.. see.. later... with Bismillah.. I am ready to study again.. hmm... can I do that ?? hehehe.. yes You CAN.. yes I CAN.. yes.. All CAN... Insya Allah.

Bangladeshi Food and Friends

Friendly Bangladeshi buddy..

Meet the Bangla buddy at the round about in Penang Road. While I'm using my free wifi, both friendly Bangla start the conversation by saying "nice laptop", "is that expensive" :) then the talk continue with introduction each others.

They look smart Bangla, both are working in construction fields. They journey together from Jessore one of the city in Bangladesh that close to the border of Calcutta to Malaysia. They stayed about 2years already here. They speak quiet fluently Malay language. So, mostly we communicate with Malay and little English.

We talked about the bustling metropolis of Dhaka, how cheap is the cost of living and what to see there. We also talk over about their home town and what things make they come to Penang.

They said Bangladesh a kind of poor country that hard to find good jobs. Salary is too low there. Here they can easily earn for 50RM a day. They sounds of responsible and matured thinking, eventough they are young 23 years old. They get used to send back their income to help their family in Bangladesh. Wow another "foreign currency heroes" from Bangladesh.

Continue our talking about Bangladesh from the food until the Noble winner "Muhammad Yunus". Seems He is very famous, so both of these Bangladesh froudly talking about this micro finance idols.

Regarding the food, while I'm asking about the unique of Bangladesh cuisine, then They invite me for lunch at Bangladesh restorant, around "Gama plaza" just close to Komtar. I said, why NOT, seems I'm also a bit hungry and curious about how is it taste.

So, we eat at "Bangla Restorant", I have my curry fish, rice and two type of vegetables. The owner is a Bangla who married with a malay girl. Still not get used yet with this Bangla cuisine, but it's almost the same with Indian food. The curry, just more spicy compare to little bit sweet of Indian's curry.

The price is reasonable, the taste is fine to me. Raju Ahmad paid the bill, I try to reject by saying Western eating way by paying our own food.. hehehe.. But he refused and settled the bill. Hmm... very seldom to find this type of foreigners here. Looks like Bangladesh are friendly enough. I'll try to explore more about this Bangladesh country in the future.

My plan to go to India this year, hopefully can go accross over to see Bangladesh also.. yeah. We will see if this year I have the opportunity to visit India and Bangladesh.. Insya Allah..

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Tokong in the Beach - Tanjung Tokong Beach :)

From the stoney corner of Tanjung Bunga beach, it's just a few step to cross over the Tanjung Tokong Beach. It's called Tanjung Tokong, because there is one budhist monastary close to the beach. Most of the chinese ethnic living in this area. The Tokong or Temple called "Thai Pak Koong"

Continue the path through the houses of Tanjung Tokong residencial. Then we find the fishermen village. Many fishermen's boats pulled down at the side of the beaches. All look uniform with the "blue" as the core colors. "BLUE" just the colour of one big leading party here.. it's just a colour Though ;)

Some kids trying to find mussel, or oyster around the beach. Some local visitors playing around the beach and taking the pictures. I did the same take some nice photos of the environment at Tanjung Tokong beach.

I continue my walking and passing by the under developing hotels, housing complex and offices also I though. Wow.. what a nice place for living and working ;) They construct nice green alleys to walk beside the beach. The housing styles also very charming and comfort to live in. Though the price above 1million RM. I keep walking, and sometimes running so I can reach the island plaza soon.

This housing living concept just a few meters from the beaches is really really beautiful for me. Thinking to buy 2 or three houses like that in the future :) hehehe.. macam betul aja.. dreaming..

Well, I'm approaching Island Plaza soon although couldn't see the sunset today. On 6.45pm I'm on my gym taking a good good warm showers.. and then continue my blog at free wifi here. Today, I finished two blogs. I need to get used in writing keep writing.. keep writing.. and share any good info to the world.. Thanks readers.

Run away Hiker go to Tanjung Bunga Beach

Feeling a bit tired today.. ahggg too much thinking :) hehehe

Some hikers friends invited me to joint the hike to Penang Hill again. Considered how I try to survive from previous Hiking, unfit condition and being lazy today I decided to run away from the hike :) Beside I'm willing to see the sunset at the beach.

So, the team living to Penang hill without me, wish them enjoy the hiking, and I am going a head to the Tanjung Bunga beach. I took rapid bus No.101 for 2Rm until the Island plaza. I would like to do some rest at the gym first then in the afternoon have my walk to Tanjung Bunga beach.

Around 4pm, I am ready to make a move with my MP3, a bottle of water then camera .. I starting to walk. Started point from Island Plaza to the Tanjung Bunga beach. It's a little bit warm.. but don't care.. a bit sweating but who care.. It's nice and I'm planning to swim in the beach later.

In about 20mnts, I arrived at the Tanjung Bungah beach just near by with Chinese Swimming Pool Club. It's strong wind around the beach, the tidal movement increase to the edge of beach.
I continue walking at the end corner of the beach. There are some new nice sky scrapers building nowadays just beside the beach.

Some local peoples swimming, doing picnic, or just jogging around. Others are studying to play the wind boat, and little surfing. Taken some photos for lovely readers to view, how is this beach look like.

Then I swam a while. The water not clear and sandy, but it's okay. It's warm water. I decided to continue my walk back to Island plaza through the beach side. I am approaching the Tanjung Tokong beach first by passing the rocky spots of the beach..