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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Menghitung Hari .. Counting Days

Time really passing past, now 1 day of Sept already, by end of this month myself and other colleagues will completed our assignment in lovely Afghanistan... Yeah we are counting the days, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 ........ 30th of September.. Qatam.. Qalas.. finish our assignment here.. soon.. We still menghitung hari..

Each of us (from BSH - Barisan Sakit Hati :) ) already have planned not to accepted the offer for having two months extension. Mostly we have personnel reason, as we miss home, our family and friends in Indonesia. The decision already made, that we going to leave this Gees - Forever O'on Stupid Maintaine... yeah we thought enough... and Enough is enough.

What I'm gonna to do after this assignment? Recently I am still hunting for new jobs, and meanwhile back to Indonesia.. will stay in Jakarta a while to see some friends and family, then go to Medan a while.. then to Malaysia a while.. then.. to Thailand a while.. then to Cambodia a while.. then back to Malaysia a while.. then.. to India a while.. hehehe.. so many plan.. crazy.. lebanee.., I'm hesitate not sure which one I can do... I don't have well plan for this.. and frankly I'm still not ready to be unemployment again .. I do want to continue my journeys to some colourful, exotic and safe places, but in another side I'm worried about the jobs... Ohpppppppppps.. I said.. all is well, yeah All is Well.. I work too much and too hard already.. I think I deserve some little breaks for myself, for my mind and for my health.. yeah.. So, nothing to worried.. just counts the days and try to make well plan for my exit point from lovely Afghanistan to my next journeys.

My friends, all is well, nothing to worried, just do your best, you may counting the days that coming close to the end, and then said I'm home.. see your relative, family around.. and said I'm home, discussed things, loughing, jokes, shares your good and bad experiences in Afghanistan with some friends.. but still said that all is Well.. no problem.. you can make it! So, I'm also counting my days here in the compound's cells.. 29 days more etc.. BHNW and All is Well my friends.

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