Allah.. Allah

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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Catching some sweats

ARGGGGGGGGGGGGG It's crazy cold here! Around 3"celcius.. oppsssss, I'm trying to catch some sweats. For 3nites already in 4 seasons country, I'm not getting used.. feeling terrible cold. My blood not hot enough some people said.. :) So, I'm trying hard to burn my blood now.. getting it warm so I can adjust myself with this cold weather.

Almost 11pm here, 1.30am in my lovely country Indonesia.. hmmmmmmmm I got imsomnia I guess, still can't sleepy tonite.. huh huh.. I'm trying to make myself tired.. get some sweats!.. I do some exercises.. look it works.. but not so many sweats yet! Just a little bit.. but atleast my body got warming now.. Thanks GOD.. I drink a lot of waters already and pissing up a lot as well.. :) just not so much exit from my sweat.. hmmm.. hmmm.. hmm... :) I will ask advice from mbah google.. later.. how to get easy sweat on the 3 celcius temperature..:)

Overall I still excited with my new place here, eventhough it's kathar zone.. kathar.. but I have no other choice yet. I tried my best to enjoy it and follow the safety procedure and practice. I really love this lovely place, the people, the unique landscape of the town, and my first experiences being stay at the winter place! Soon I'll see the snow at my new place in a few days. Ahgggggg hardly waiting to see that.. the white white white snowing.. hmmm... can I manage the coldness there.. can I burn my blood everyday to fight with it.. can I ? maybe balai maybe ne! We will see!

Eventhough I am wearing double jacket now.. but the cold still attack me.. the heater in my room help a lot..Thanks you the A/C heater! Funny funny.. when we come back from the KBRI, which the weather outside the office was so cold, then we come inside the car and feeling the heat from the car heater.. that's cool.. Otherwise in Indonesia, we request to on the A/C, Here the contrary we are asking for the heating.. heheheh... I just smile.. this is unique.. though! And outside the room, I don't need to smoke! as when I blow the air, smokes coming out already ;)

Well I got my sweats, I felt warm now.. I have my bananas, one box of Nestle milk park and water.. hmmm I'm going to gain my weight here I though.. heheheh.. welcome to the Paradise... I told myself.. If there are no bleedy war here, it could be one of the paradise tours destination here.. Hopefully someday will be.. yeah the road to Paradise in Qabul.. !!

Monday, January 17, 2011

My Breakfast - Lontong Medan

Wow.. I'm eating a lot in Medan.. Though Medan is the heaven foods and always make me hungry .. lapar lapar.. Many type of delicious food in Medan.. from Bakso, Lontong, Mie.. etc etc. I have my breakfast of Lontong Medan, just around SMU1 at Cik Ditiro street.

There are many streets vendors selling Lontong around there. I stopped a while and order my breakfast and my tounge start dancing dancing, enjoying the delicious Lontong Medan. Hmm I am eating a lot this morning, after having some bubur kacang hijau, lupis at my friend's warung.. then now.. Lontong sayur, telur and ice tea.. still hungry .. huh huh .. what's next ?? bakso I had planned to have it later in the afternoon for snacks :)

Why do I eat so much in Medan hmmm.. Though because the foods are wonderful palatable taste and the price is reasonable cheap! In addition most of my friends and family complaining that I look loosing my weight :) I don't know, if I'm getting thinner or they are just growing and gaining their weight :).. Whatever it is.. I enjoying the foods while back home! Also the home cooks that prepared by my sis and sis in laws.. all of them invited me to eat eating eating at home! See how wonderful it's having many family, relatives and friends.. Now I back already to Penang and Penang's buddies told me that I gained my weight.. aha.. so eating a lot in Medan is wonderful working.. :) That's COOL.

Medan Medan I'm Home

Medan city ready for Wonderful Indonesia Visit 2011

Just a short visit to Medan. I went home for about 4days to arrange some of my personal things. Then, what's changes in Medan, after 6months away from my lovely hometown city. :)

I woke up early this morning, and do some walking exercise from home to this Sudirman park - Waringin Park. I used to jogging here while I'm I was in my hometown. The place not bad, green and got fountain in the middle of the park. I met the usual fellows who loves to exercise there.. the Indian, english teacher Mr. Mahdi, the rich lecture, forget his name :) and one uncle old chinese man! My old fellows, previously we walking around the park and talking here and there.. Now we reunited.. and still meet them in this park! Then we talked, say hi hi hello and asking news and updated from everybody...

The Sudirman bridge.. that's look great and nicer now. They make some renovation on the Sudirman park as well. It's not finish yet, but this areas will become charming, green and fresh in the future while the renovation complete. Hopefully the Medan's people may be able to assure this bridge and park keep greens, clean and fresh in the future! Yeah.. hopefully and be friendly welcoming our guests, travelers to visit the Wonderful Indonesia 2011.. yeah.. welcome to Medan... Horas Medan!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

On Boat to Teluk Bahang Harbour

About two hours we stayed at the Monkey beach. We have decided to rent a boat to go back to Teluk Bahang. Some students who did tracking also, agreed to joint us and share the boat. They found the rental for 50RM one trip to go back to Teluk Bahang for maximum 10 passenger. We agreed with the price and be ready at 5pm to depart.

Some friend continue Their own activities, be instant models :) take photos here and there, swinging, or just walking around the beach. Myself continue my swimming, after so long! The water are good and warm and no Jelly Fish for sure! As it's isolated beach, not so many people here. If They want to relax and swimming here, They need to do jungle tracking or rent a boat. Overall the beach for me are nice, it's not long beach, but it's wonderful with white sands.

At 5pm we are ready to go back. The boat coming, so we go on boat. It's interesting trips, all people happy and smiling, as we don't need to walking back home for 1.5hours .. hehehehe. We took some photos on the boat, and around 10-15minutes we are already at Teluk Bahang pier. Hmmm so fast!.. We paid the bill, and go ahead to the registration counter, to sign and reported that we are back safely.

Light house.. light house.. next trip! built on 18centuries.. I wanna see :) hehehe we can go up to the light house also for free, but the operating hours just until 2pm.. so, we need to go earlier if we want to go there.. and it's farther.. far.. about 4000mtrs.. from National Park.. hmmm.. next time.. I said.. I'll try the LIGHT HOUSE!!

Mongkey Beach @ National Park Penang

The Monkeys Welcoming us!

From the waterfall exit, we took the bus to Teluk Bahang to go to Penang national park! We registered our names in the counters for free entrance! Then we asked the free map, review our next destination.. here it's Monkeys Beach.. hmm.. about 1500 meters, take times around 1.5-2hours to reach there.

I observed the faces of my Iranian tracking buddies! They look okay.. still survive and ready with a little bit lazy looks thinking about this tracking, another 1.5 hours walking man.. hehhehe.. But it's already set up and agreed. After registering our names, we start our tracking from the main entrance of National Park!

Along the tracking, the jungle paths are nice a little bit challenging, environment very nice and cold weather, we are rounding the beach through the jungle path, and humidity higher here. We passed by the USM Coastal Research Center area already, it's still about half way to go! It's a nice research center, just in the middle of jungles and just opposite is a beautiful beach with white sands and small nice pier.

My Iranian tracking buddies, start talking in Persian, Then I asked them, If they still want to continue until the Monkey beach or ending here. Most of them said, yeah we will proceed further to Monkey beach. Well We continue our tracking! the further the path more natural, and many big trees along with the strong roots appeared in the surface of the lands. While we come closer to the beach, the Monkeys welcoming us. Some monkeys blocking our ways, but while They saw us, They are running, climbing the trees, try to avoid us.. Their brothers and sisters :) hehehe

The monkeys here are tames enough, not as wild as in Bali, where the Monkeys like to grasp your things and return it when you feed them. :) So, it's always good not to feed them, let them feed by themselves in the natural way! We took some photos and videos of the monkeys then continue our tracks. Finally, we are here... nice and white sand beach!.. As my plan to go swim.. so, I'll :)

At Monkey beach, we are resting for a while. Our female Iranian trackers - the leader, the only female joint us, prepared some bread with vegetables, so we ate that nan. Then I'm going to have my swimming after so long! On way back we decided to rent a boat to go back to the harbor of Teluk Bahang! I Enjoy my swimming.. here at the Monkey Beach.

Exploring the Nature of Bt.Ferringgi Waterfall

First Experience @ Waterfall in Batu Ferringgi

To answer our curiosity regarding the waterfall in Bt. Ferringi, then myself and with some Iranian mates agreed to explore it. Our original plan actually doing our tracking to Penang national park and go further to Monkey Beach. As all agreed that we are going to stop a while to see the Bt.Ferringgi waterfall then here it's.

It's located around the Batu Ferringgi beach, just a few mater from the Bay View hotel. You will see a poor signboard that promote about the waterfall. We stopped near the signboard, as we talk to the bus driver that we are going off at waterfall.

From the main road to the waterfall, not very far, only about 300 meters. The road to go there, still okay.. not so much interesting and less of promotion. When we got closer to the location, we are still not sure yet..where is that actually, because none of us been here. We are starting to heard the sounds of droppings water calling us! We knew that we are getting closer.. and eventually we found the Batu Ferringgi Waterfall.

First expression.. not bad.. natural, and greener areas on the top of the waters. Many big and flat stones around, where the water falls and flows. The water clean, and not so many tourists or visitor here.. only five of us, and two locals. Excited.. not bad.. we felt that it's different.. so, not only beaches actually Bt.Ferringgi offers, but also the waterfall. It's tranquil and natural.. we like it.

Myself and dadash Ayoub, going up to the top until the source of the water that fall down. There is like small river or pond above the water fall surrounded by trees. It's very good up there, so serene and fresh air! We love that! Then we take some photos there! rest a while at the waterfall, having our snacks.. and decided to continue our tracking to national park.. at Mongkey Beach..... Mongkey Beach we are coming!.. The mongkeys are waiting for us there! hehehe

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Paradise Beach

Hmggggggg!! I am feeling bloody bore recently! I need to deep my body inside the warm water, doing a bit working out .. swim in the beach, a prompt plan just come in mind.. then back from my school go a head home a while.. taking a small nap first.. being lazy and relax.. huh huh..

At 5pm.. I'm taking my bus from BJ to Tj.Bunga.. ahghh too late already.. but the desire so high.. then yeah I still continue to go to the paradise beach. I reach there around 6.20pm. Having small walk further to the location of big stones area.. Then here I am in the beach already.

It's a nice weather and beautiful beach view, as well as quiet! Breath in and out the fresh air, and taking some photos. I canceled the initial plan to swim in the beach due to limited time. This weekend.. I'll go to Kerachut beach to swim and enjoying the nature there. Though.. it's better plan.. I guess!

Action.. shoot.. click click! I set my camera for automatic self-photos then here the results!.. At 7.10pm.. I get ready in the bus to go back to George Town.....