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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Eating "Pontir Cone" mamamiyah lezato..

Baby Chicks

It is a white round egg, curtly look it is a normal boiled egg. The local people call it "Pontir cone". Don't be amaze when you break it, a young pity baby chick begging to travel inside your stomach.. eat me, eat me.. eat me please :)

It's a common consumption for supper or brunch in Cambodia. You can find Pontir cone in a town, downtown, country side and village. Mostly Khmer people like to consume the baby chick in half or quarter cooked. I made some shoots photos of the seller, and the way they eat it. Eating the sad baby chick believed to give more energy in sex power. Who said? :)

Pontir cone served hot and fresh for 4-5 eggs in one plate accompanied by some fresh salad, lemon and sauce. How is the Khmer people way eating the baby chick?
1. One egg put on the egg place.
2. Crushing the peak skin of the egg.
3. With small spoon take out the baby chick into the sauce plate, mixed them and they ready to landing in your tasteful mouth.. hmmm... mamamiyah lezato..
4. They eating all pieces of the baby chick, the eyes, head and feathers as well as the legs . They leave nothing but the hard skin of the egg.
5. nyam nyam .. mamamiyah lezato.. the baby chick landing in your stomach.. then the eating process done.

Hhmm.. what you think blogger ? Does it sounds like They have no animal being feeling yeah? The Chicks animal lovers should banned and bring this Pontir Cone issue to International Chicks Animal Lover Protection Act (ICALPA) :) macam betul aja bokkkkk

"count one's chickens before they are hatched, to rely on a benefit that is still uncertain:"
They were already spending in anticipation of their inheritance, counting their chickens before they were hatched. "

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