Allah.. Allah

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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Frisbee Time

Unhappy Childhood time, poor me.. never play Frisbee :) hehehe

It's a throwable and catchable simple games. So, the hiking team, four of us promise to play Frisbee today. We will meet at the Konven school at football field, just opposite the beach.

The place is tranquil and excellent for relaxing. It's located at the edge of the beach, got some big trees for leisurely or reading the books. Some peoples fishing on the beach, playing football or just jogging around the fields.

We met there around 6.30pm, have a small chat a while before starting the games. Then the Frisbee Time coming. It's first experiences for me to play Frisbee.. while childhood never play this game.. sounds like unhappy childhood :)

So we make some distances and start playing. The player need to throw the plastic disc to other players who need to catch it then fling it again to other player. It's really look simple games, just a peanut game I said in the beginning..

In fact it's not as simple as it's looks. While I'm into the game, mostly I misstarget the throw, I though the wind not helping me :) my good excuse. I just can't toss the disc in correct method.

My friend keep saying throw it flat so it will spin in the air that easy for other to catch. We are a good team player though... there is no winner or loser.. we play for fun.. Eventually I successfully adapt with the technics.. I can throw the disc on the target.. yeah.. YES YES.. so happy.. see, it's not difficult.. I though.. heheheh.. We have bat sweating for this exercise.. what a fun, free and healthy sport.

We play around 40mnts, when it's become darker, we stopped playing and have a rest a while at the edge of the beach. When we go home, the school's gate already locked, so we need to climb the gate for exit. See you tomorrow.. we say good bye each other.. what an interesting holiday.. play everytime..

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