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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Is it in Europe ? Old Market in Seam Reap

The Asian European Connection (AEC)

One tourist from Italy, said that some areas around the Old Market looks like in Europe. They have well heritage old building from the colony era. The design of the open pub, bar and restorants as well as the shops atmosfer having connection with Asian European styles.

It's pretty clean the road side in Old market area. Beside it's a famous place like a Mekkah for the budget travellers from all over the world. The niter the more peoples around, mostly tourists who can be a king while travelling into the cheap country like cambodia. You can manage to stay in 1USD dormitory or 3 - 15USD rooms. Otherwise if you love more luxury stuffs also able to fullfill your dreams.

Along the small gangs path - corridors they make it clean and as a business venue as well. There you can find chairs of bar in clean open air, the nice decorations shops etc etc etc. Just look like in Europe the tourist commented, but with the asia style and theme.

The pub street always busy.. with tourists.. drink drank DRUNK.. :) or having dinners, talking with friends as well as singing and dancing... The nite longer at these kind of places. The party still continue up to 2-3 am. Old market also the food heaven.. so easy to find the food surrounding this location. You can eat from 1usd till maximum you can spend.. see.. much much cheaper compare to the beach of Sihanoukville area..

Well it's getting late already.. I'm starting sleepy.. Will finish my blog up to here first.. and tomorrow will write another blog.. I wish..

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