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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Hai Hai Abdul Hai's DREAM

A young leader for tomorrow "Abdul Hai's dreams"

After placing about 10days in Nimroz, and doing the jobs by myself with limited help from my assistants, it's really really disappointed me. The DIY term - Do It Yourself make me work day and nite to complete my jobs. By talking this issue with my PM, He understand my problem and provided me one new assistant dedicated to help me.

He is a young man, with understandable English, very dilligent, helpfull and easy to coorperate with others. With his good cooperation and assisting I can complete the jobs in Zahranj, We can send the report on time, we can manage the advance on minimum, and liquidated many advances, and issues some more vouchers and POs. This is very maximum work that I can perform during my work with this company. What an achievement, I'm happy with this results, but though my new staff contribute a lot with this achievement.

So, we have small chatted with this young future leader for Afghan. He said, he would like to continue his study by next year Insya Allah, He'll go to U.. yeah.. U U University. That's cool I said and encourage him, how important is education for the peoples around, especially his country "Afghanistan" that need more educated peoples to run and manage his own country. Maghbool Abdul Hai, explained to me that, He would like to study in the political area.. hehehhe.. I just smile.. I told him.. my personal opinion about political, I said it's suck and I don't like it.

He doesn't influence with my idea about how suck it's the political.. He firmly said that He like political and will be one of the influence people in the future for Afghanistan.. wow.. WOW.. what a good dream... then I told him.. GREAT.. go for it.. go to U U University.. learn many things in University and live experiences to improve your future. He promise to go to Uni by early next year.. and He asked me, if it's possible for him to study abroad.. if so, where would it be ? He told me maybe India.. as it's closer and not so many culture differents.. they still eat Bread :) hehehe. So, he is trying to find some scholarships for his education, the worse scenario He will study in Kabul he said.. let's see where the future bring him.

I'm respect his ambition, and dream as a young man, and if is there anything that I can help him, I'll do it.. Insya Allah.. I just continously motivated him, that it's good to be a dreamer.. that will directed him to achieve his dreams.. so go for it.. take it.. your dream is YOURS, never give up and keep fight for the future.. I hope for the next 10years I'll see him again with his fullfilled dream be a future leaders for Afghanistan.. Mr. Abdul Hai.. hai hai.. :)

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