Allah.. Allah

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Monday, August 29, 2011

I wish GFOSM

GFOSM ... I wish I stay with GFOSM..

Just have small talk and fun with one colleague who based in another hell and danger area in Afg. We are observing our working place and have fun discussion about how are we feeling working with this esteem organization and posted in some hazard areas such as in Zabul, Kandahar and Helmand.

Just two days ago bom blasted at Laskhargha, the capital of Helmand province.. How do I felt ? Yes, I heard the big bom blasting sounds, it's make a bit shocky with our compound, but I'm not panick, I found that it's normal.. and it's not the first time that I heard people fighting with the gun, suicide bom etc. I'm cool and be peace in mind and I'm realize that I'm not in American.. and I'm in Afghanistan.. yeah.. Afghanistan..

so, quietly I went outside my room and see what happened. Some staffs talking, discussing about the blast, some are ready with the gun, and after making sure that all is well then I back to my office.. continue the work.

That's some piece of story about how danger the environment of our work, and our lives as the bet. We just be tawakal we said, tender our soul and live to the GOD, and hope for protecting us peacefully. All is well I said.. on God willing All is Well..

Eventually me and some other colleagues wish and dream to have work with a Good Fair Objective and Superb Management (GFOSM).. we still dream it, and has fantasy how wonderful is that if with this danger live working place but we still have caring, good, fair, objective and spectacular management.. how awesome it would be.. Hmmm I wish I can swim @ Helmand river saba saba.. :)

Happy Idul Fitrih holiday all my families, friends, and strangers who celebrate that wish you have safe and colourful celebration on this Idul Fitrih 1st Syawal 1432H. Minal Aidin wal faizin, mohon maaf lahir bathin.... All is Well.. say it All is Well.. say it together.. All is Well... a good motivated song from 3 Idiot movie..

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Hai Hai Abdul Hai's DREAM

A young leader for tomorrow "Abdul Hai's dreams"

After placing about 10days in Nimroz, and doing the jobs by myself with limited help from my assistants, it's really really disappointed me. The DIY term - Do It Yourself make me work day and nite to complete my jobs. By talking this issue with my PM, He understand my problem and provided me one new assistant dedicated to help me.

He is a young man, with understandable English, very dilligent, helpfull and easy to coorperate with others. With his good cooperation and assisting I can complete the jobs in Zahranj, We can send the report on time, we can manage the advance on minimum, and liquidated many advances, and issues some more vouchers and POs. This is very maximum work that I can perform during my work with this company. What an achievement, I'm happy with this results, but though my new staff contribute a lot with this achievement.

So, we have small chatted with this young future leader for Afghan. He said, he would like to continue his study by next year Insya Allah, He'll go to U.. yeah.. U U University. That's cool I said and encourage him, how important is education for the peoples around, especially his country "Afghanistan" that need more educated peoples to run and manage his own country. Maghbool Abdul Hai, explained to me that, He would like to study in the political area.. hehehhe.. I just smile.. I told him.. my personal opinion about political, I said it's suck and I don't like it.

He doesn't influence with my idea about how suck it's the political.. He firmly said that He like political and will be one of the influence people in the future for Afghanistan.. wow.. WOW.. what a good dream... then I told him.. GREAT.. go for it.. go to U U University.. learn many things in University and live experiences to improve your future. He promise to go to Uni by early next year.. and He asked me, if it's possible for him to study abroad.. if so, where would it be ? He told me maybe India.. as it's closer and not so many culture differents.. they still eat Bread :) hehehe. So, he is trying to find some scholarships for his education, the worse scenario He will study in Kabul he said.. let's see where the future bring him.

I'm respect his ambition, and dream as a young man, and if is there anything that I can help him, I'll do it.. Insya Allah.. I just continously motivated him, that it's good to be a dreamer.. that will directed him to achieve his dreams.. so go for it.. take it.. your dream is YOURS, never give up and keep fight for the future.. I hope for the next 10years I'll see him again with his fullfilled dream be a future leaders for Afghanistan.. Mr. Abdul Hai.. hai hai.. :)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Bahghwaash in Nimroz

2nd Friday off days in Zahranj city, I got chance to hang out in the city. Got nice and friendly assistant who like to bring me for having city tours. After doing my Jumat praying, it's my first time praying jamaah in Afghanistan. So, we went to the central masjid.. big one and crowded of peoples, as Friday is holiday then people going to Masjid to perform their duties to the God.

After praying, we are driving around the city, Abdul Hai my friend, my hero, my FA who bring me out for the first time to see the civilian live in Zahranj. About 10days, I did my DIY related the works, it's very painfull and not a nice way. I work days and nites to accomplish my assignments and to cover the outstanding in the work. But for this 2nd Friday, I really need a break off a while, go to the city and sight seing.

Then he bring me to a relaxing place, where the local peoples like to hang out during the off days. It's a small zoo, "Bahghwaash" in their language. So, why NOT I said.. anywhere! just bring ME out of my compound, I'm getting fed up with the routines and outstanding works that I need to cleaning up.

Along the way to go to the Bahghwaash quiet interesting, as it's my first time to see the outside.. the zoo.. yeah I am excited. Around the journeys we passed the bazaar, the irrigation river, where many people taking bath and swimming there.. heheheh It's not Helmand river and the water not really clean.. I don't think I'll swim there.. no, not here please.. just find some other nice and clear water if we want to swim.

About half hour we reach the zoo "small Bahgwaash", Abdul paid for the entrances, it's cheap only half dollar the ticket. My face keep smilling and shining.. wow.. unique.. small zoo yeah!. So, we walk around and see what are the animals there.. and what are the people doing there!
The pets are very limited there, only some type of birds, mongkey, dessert goat etc. Mostly people sitting, and relaxing on the side of the path. They are playing cards, smoking or just talking with friends. I'm not sure until when they stay there, but quiet crowded as the people enjoying the environment.

After taking some photos, not even one hour we spend there in the zoo, then we went out try to see some other place just close from the zoo. See here are some shoots in the Baghwaash.. have a look! Cheers,

Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Shock Welcome in Zahranj

I'm open my eyes and see, I'm in the airport of Zahranj city already! wow that's cool..huh! Welcome K .. Welcome to Zahranj.. I'm motivated myself.

What an unique airport! no arrival and departure gate :) lot's of dusk, and the car who pick up us can wait us on the landing area hehehe.. so nice.. It's not like in Dubai or Singapore.. where we need to passed by so many doors.. Here only one entrance that's for depart and arrival... I just smile, unique hehe and in five minutes we reached our office already.. very close to the airport.

I'm doing the normal courtesy, meet some local people that related to my work area. Nobody bring me to introduce, so I just introduce my self to them.. I'm explaining them I'm a "FLOATER" FOs to take care this financial related business temporarily - until their permanent FOs coming back here. At 2pm I got ready to start my 1st day in Zahranj.. I'm still blank about the work here.. and just ready to start my day.

3PM, my lovely FA gave me one bantex documents to me! What is it darling :) I asked him... it's financials docs ready to liquidates.. hmmm Oh really yeah ?? can you check first the documents and give them back when it's ready to liquidate.

He comment: so, you don't check ? It's your job to check he said ! :) All rite darling but.. I want you to do that first.. have you check them already ? He said YES.. ok.. now just counting for me how many files they are ready to liquidate! He was counting about 170 docs.. hehehe.. Okay, just put aside first, I'll check later. - DONE.. easy jobs.. hehehe... Later he come again.. give me POs need to proceed approvals.. same things.. I asked him.. to check everything first.. then if really ready give to me to proceed! See, how nice to have a good assistant.

So, I'm doing extra work on my first day in NR, looks something horrible here happened. Bad things the FOs don't share to me the info related so many outstandings things left for me..! Anyway, I told myself that's okay, I just said that it's okay I can handle this.. no problem. All is Well I said again AIW..

At nite 7pm where all my staffs already gone home, I'm still work in my office. Then comes to my attention.. hei.. what voucher is that. and check the date.. Oh Oh.. It's old documents.. previous month documents.. and ORIGINALs.. means that They don't send the report yet as the deadline.. and they are not ready to send also.. OH OH.. I'm getting hot and shock! Why they don't send yet the due report and also not ready to send. Hmmm suddenly I get mad, and confuse, I felt like they are playing on me, they abused me. But I tried to be positive, I need to find out the answer.. what's going on here.. why so many things left for me to settle here.

I email the FOs incharge before, telling him how shocks am I when finding so many outstanding jobs in this office! I asked his clarification especially on the due reports and hundreds of oustanding advance liquidation and POs approval. I just c.c. the PM at the beginning, after he clarified.. then I let the big boss know about this issue... so, everybody know already that I need to cleaning up so many dishes already here... Those things make me SHOCK.. 1st day SHOCK in lovely Nimroz... then I stop working! it's too heavy for me alone, and analyze the assistant I have, and my peers which I can't depent on and first day already They told me - DIY.. crazy.. DIY (DO IT YOURSELF), I need to train them more on courtesy, and office manners.. this is really suck to me, I never experienced having this type of peers before.

Hmmm my Godness, why things like this here, totally different with Helmand office event though we are still in one region.. hmmm heavy first day assignment.. :( I better sleep thought and start again the next day.. just to get some refresh mind.. I want to cancel cancel forget it this shock things.. All is Well.. I said.. and goodnite!

Goodbye Helmand & Welcome Nimruz

9th July 2011, Finally I'm visiting my new assignments place, another provinces namely Nimruz and the capital name is Zahranj. It's one of the most lovely hazard provinces in Afghanistan, after Kandahar - Helmand - Nimruz and Zabul.. "Be prepared and expect for the unexpected things".

I suggestive myself that I'm ready, I'm good to see new place for my placement and I'm very excited. Anyway, it's not be along time, maximum I'll be in Nimruz for one month I said. The interesting things as the city relatively safe for foreigners to hang around. So far, no bullet and bomb raining around.

After about 6months based in lovely Laskhar Gah city in Helmands, which it's hard to see the live outside the "jail" with the security and safety concern.. then it's really really make me sick of this jail and being totally bouring.. that's why I become so much excited.. for my new journey to Zaranj.

I said my Goodbye to everyone I knew in Laskhar Gah, Goodbye Mahboob and Wahid Khan, Edo and the boss Howard and to my guards friends and the cook "Nazar" as well.. Goodbye I said, I'm going to miss you all.. it's only a month.. then I'll be back here in Helmand.. Insya Allah. I'm ready, then move to the car to send me to the airport in Laskhar Gah..

Just close my eyes.. I'll be there... yeah.. I just closed my eyes.. and now I'm in Zaranj city already.. in Nimroz... Goodbye Helmand, and Welcome Nimroz.. Zahranj.. ALL IS WELL.. yeah AIW.. All is Well.. this jungle also WELL.