Allah.. Allah

Will you support for the "World Smiling Day"

Friday, May 27, 2011

Stressful Weeks Days CCFI

This week is a squezzing and heavy week days for me. My mind plague by the security concern where the people's around still playing with the boms, guns just like toys and fireworks. In addition I am missing home, missing the beaches where I can swim and relaxing while I'm deppressed.

I have experienced the butterfly effect of the misaddress of global warning now. My mind corrupted, I'm easily get shaky, my heart beating faster and being paranoid. Recently, I can't sleep and taking rest comfortablly, my eating appertite decrease and easily get upset with something. All this symtomps, feeling depressed and stressful is really unhealthy situation for me. I need my holiday I guess.. I need my break off.. cooling down a while.. relaxing ..

After staying four months in this lovely Afghan, this week I'm really feeling missing home, missing the beaches, the jungle, the hills, water fall, my friends, my books etc etc.. Luckily They let me have my holiday by next week.. I'll back to the civilization.. back home! taking back my live :) my freedom.. :) hahaha..

I am so excited.. really really excited.. but the bad feeling of the butterfly effects still remain... not sure how long and deep I need to swim in the beaches later to kill this negative feeling.. to get rid off.. this stupid experience!.. C.C.F.I.. CANCEL CANCEL FORGET IT.. Kamal. lupain.. lupakan.. Hai rawul.. :) Cancel CANCEL FORGET IT.. you will be fine.. NWBH.. No WORRIED be Happy.. yup CCFI and NWBH..

I wish I can dipping my all body now in Helmand Riverrrrrrrr... for the therapy.. :) Shock Therapy .. hehehe.. capek dehh... sabar.. sabar.. be patient and strong.. ! It's true let it be.. forget it.. let it flow through Helmand river and goes to the ARAL sea later.. hopefully not flowing to Penang beach's where I plan to spend my holiday :) Hopefully.. Insya Allah.. I should be able to forget this.. it's just a small misunderstanding... so yeah CCFI and NWBH.. :) Okay.. I am counting yok, dwa, dree.. I'm smiling now.. I'm relief :) hehehe.. okay bro! Welcome to the Jungle!.. Cheers.. and still counting my days here.. 4days more to go!..

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