Allah.. Allah

Will you support for the "World Smiling Day"

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Be SAFE joint SAFE

ONE Month later from Afghan to Jakarta!

One month being holiday after completing my assignment with CADG.. I spent days in Indonesia - Medan and Jakarta. Meeting family's members, and some old friends in Medan.

As I arrived in JKT's airport, I was waiting for my next flight to Medan. I use the airport lounge facilities from my cards.. see how nice and powerful is this plastic card! I can have some relaxing time there after 12hours on flight, emailing, eating and drinks some nice food.

I was checking my FB, and ym.. and chatting with my exs colleagues. She said her organization now looking for an employee, so asked me if I'm interested to rejoint them. It is USAID's funding project also called SAFE.. I directly said that I do do DO DO.. yes.. I'm interested.. Thanks.. friend.. you are the HEROIN.. :) hehehe

She still don't believe that and think that I'm joking to rejoint them. I told them that I am seriously finding the new jobs now and that I will be happy to rejoint DAI again. Next to show how interested I am, I sent my update CV's and application.. to the manager! Next things to do is need to wait.. if the donor agreed to re-hired me.

It's take about 2-3 weeks to get the approval, eventually the donor approved, and asked me when I would like to start to work! I said 1st November will be great time for me! Then I still have some lazy times and preparation for back to work in the amazing city JAKARTA.
One month over now, so fast, so I'm already get employed to new project called "SAFE".. to be SAFE you may joint our project.. SAFE projects.. :) :)

I am Welcoming myself to amazing JAKARTA.. and said good bye to the unforgettable Afghanistan.. Laskhar Gah.. Nimroz.. Kandahar and Kabul... all those place still in my mind.. and the lovely Afhan's people.. part of my hearth still there.. I'm not fully in Jakarta.. though..

Hehehe.. gilaaaaaaaaa! crazyyyyyyy.. Lebanee.. .. how come I am missing there!! I just prays and hope that all the peoples in Afghanistan to be SAFE also.. Insya Allah!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

9 Months ago B4 and After

Flash back 9 months ago in Penang...

January 2011, about 9 Months ago I was so excited as I got a new job with my new assignment in Afghanistan. Many refusal from some good friends try to convince me that it's not good place for living.

I searched in mbah google in order to be familiar how is it working and living in Afghanistan. Anyway, my willpower very intense, so whatever and however I'm ready to take the risks and back to work. I have no worried and doubt at all about how danger is it my working environment would be. I just feeling delighted.

Though I can continue my journeys to see another country and live here for 9months is not a long time.. though.. it's only 9months contract.. so why don't I grasp this rare opportunities, added with some other things then I firmly considered to accept this offer..

After 9Months .. in Laskhar Gah - Helmand Province of Kabul..

Nine months passed so fast! Now I'm counting the remaining of my days here in Helmand.. within this two days I'll go to Kabul then continue my trip back home.. to Indonesia. It's look miracles that we can survive until end of our assignments in Afghanistan. The three musketeers have decided not to continue our service with this organization. Each of us got some personal reasons and we will on board together on the same flight this 29th Sept to get home soon! We did our packing already and just be prepared to wait our flight to Kabul.

What do I learn within this 9 months? I'm queries myself ? How do I felt about my organization? The fact that I gained life experiences at the conflict area! Within 9months, I travelled, floated at 3 differents places only (Kabul - Zaranj and Laskhar Gah). living at the later place in Laskhar Gah, I may say it's like in jail, a big jail - in a big nice compound.. that They said, I can't get out my compound, that's too danger, so many taliban.. it's not good.. bla bla bla bla.. it's suck! it's really suck!!..

I did experience to heard 4 times bom exploded, followed with gun fighting.. from my compound.. for 1st and 2nd times it was made me shock and worried.. but further it will be sounds common.. normal.. I just be alert that.. oh.. yeah I'm in Afghanistan.. in Helmand.. the twin sister province of Kandahar.. so.. Yeah I passed over this kind of experiences.. but Thanks God, we still protected.. so far all still well and fine.. fine.. Alhamdulillah..

9 Months after.. we are get ready to our home, to see our family and back to Indonesia.. Jakarta we are return.. ke Jakarta ku kembali.. but I'll go to Medan first mate :) ! All rite friends, looking foward to hear your story on board.. see you in Kabul soon.. Dubai.. and Amazing Jakarta!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Another 3 Days More to GO

Mr Rabbani was killed at his home by a suicide attacker who officials believe had concealed a bomb in his turban. "Whoever killed Burhanuddin Rabbani, the intention was to kill any opportunity for peace and stability in Afghanistan," "After this assassination, to be honest, I do not know what will happen ... Any group who was behind this assassination meant to close the door of stability in Afghanistan." Rabbani's killing at his Kabul home on Tuesday by a bomber claiming to be carrying a message of peace from the Taliban leadership has triggered fears of dangerous divisions in Afghans fighting the Taliban-led insurgency....

....Some source from news online

The situation looks worse here in lovely Afghan. My chef told me that it's like a nice glass plate, that could be broken crumbly any time without any reason. Nobody's knows! He said further eventhough he is going to miss me, but for good shake, never back here again! Live is the magnificent gift from GOD that you need to maintain happily.. Money is not everything, go home! Stay with your loves one..

I just shake my head down, listening to him with my little serious look on him.. inside my mind I had never answer questions, why this continous conflict never ending in this lovely Afghan! Felt sorry with the young generations, with the hard and risky lives surrounding!.. Hmmm, when will it be ending?! I have many good local friends around! What will happened to them, to their family in the future! Still can they dream about colourful and peacefull future ? Hmmm.. I can't answer, most of them just humble, sincere people who find the work for sincere living.. just for survival..

Bact to my Chef, everyday He asks me, how many days more to leave Afghanistan ? I told him, well as today 2 days more, I'll head to Kabul, then on 29th Sept I'll go to Indonesia.. I'll be with my family in Medan on 30 Sept :) .. I told him entusiasm. He is smiling and said GOOD.. can I start crying now ?? He added... no NO .. please.. don't CRY for me Argentina... I answerred him.. Yes, there is something missing on me, eventhough lives like in jail here, but people arounds sincerely nice and friendly.. I'm going to miss them.. and it's one of good live experience for me!

Another 3 Days more to GO.. go.. GO.. Afghan's buddies, I am feeling lonesome already...just my pray with you.. things will be better, no more blood wasting, fightings and anger! All is Well... be peace and safe!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Couse U r AMAZING just the WAY u R

Bcause you are amazing, just the way you ARE!

22DAYS to GO GO GO ...

Some things happened today, another silly and dudul.. things! I am feeling sorry with you mate! I knew it's a dilematic option for you, but you need to fight for this! We know neither option is good for you, again you need to choose in between that you think less painful for you mate.

Buddy, after hearing your story it's makes me now 100% believe that I don't make wrong decision to leave our organization. We do really need a break my friend, with all the pressures we have on that field, both inside and outside environment.. it's really make loose of our appertite to smile my friend!.. yeah it's or can make us never stop loughing too, feeling shock and wonder with never answer WHY WHY.. why .. questions..

Now, what do we need to do my friend ? Though only accumulate our patients, spirit, good work, and professionalsm to show them that we are all rite, survive and all well! Hope They open their eyes and ears my friends, so atleast they can see and listen for the facts.

Friends don't forget to keep on your smiling, so They can return the smile to you too :) hehehe. Meanwhile we do our best to keep enjoying the remaining days of our times in lovely Afghanistan and keep countings the days.. 22, 21 days more to go now.. see time passing my friends.. I believe you can do it, because you are amazing just the way you are!

Never ever let them to make you down my friend, don't worried and be happy, cancel cancel and forget it for the bad things or experience you may encounter. Keep on your energy, though and smiles to make you stronger my friend and keep in mind the days moving by the next 3 weeks more we will go back to amazing Jakarta! and you will feel home soon my friends staying around your lovely family! Awesome my friends! Mantap.. just pray to the God that things will be fine FINE FINE and all is well WELL WELL.... Amien!

Friday, September 2, 2011

A written Q's for Work

It's took me one hour to provide the answer for some Q's below, and I am not really sure how to give good answer for the following Q's. I do my best to answer just what's is it coming in my mind and answer straightly.

I believe no right and wrong answers as it's base on my experiences and the current knowledge I gained. It's just the way for recruiters to shortlist the candidate. I'm ready with my sincere answer, and the consequency if the organization interested or not interested at all.. the point is I did tried my best to get hired.

Here are the Q&A:

Tell us a little about yourself.

I am a hard working, fast learner, able to adapt with the current situation change, result oriented and team players. I have good experience in administration, procurement, accounting, budgeting and finance. My knowledge and experiences highly support me in making decision on problem solving.

How did you come to be interested in international development? What do you find most invigorating and most challenging about it?

I worked with international development organization more than 7 years, during my work I have found that it’s challenging to implement our programs and to achieved the goals. I am happy to see that the programs we designed successfully implemented that means more positive impact for the beneficiaries. The challenges working with international development are to help more, educate more the society and to build the self reliance for the needy.

What are, in your opinion, the most important skills a Microfinance Manager should have?

Having good knowledge on business proposal analysis, the nature of the loan, debtors’ behavior and the control of the repayment schedule and ability to take fast decision on the right information provided.

What would you describe as your biggest career success to date?

It’s a team work success and as my field of work in finance and grants, my achievement related with the proper grants that I managed, implemented, monitoring and closing them, and also related the total budget and amount that we spent for our grants and projects.

What would you describe as your biggest career frustration or failure, to date?

My current job in Afghanistan that I have found a little bit frustration. It’s not really a failure of my careers because I can complete the assignments satisfactory.

Can you please comment on your micro-credit experiences, highlighting areas where you have developed processes to make microcredit effective, efficient and successful?

I have some experiences with micro credit on my own effort with my family. In Medan, my hometown many housewives got skills in embroidery, so we provided the machines instead of rental the machines, we gave loan to them to pay weekly after having their wages. So, we distributed more than 50 sewing machines already to the households. Some are very good to settle the loan, and some are failure. In addition, I have big interest in micro finance to find a really good ways to help the needy. I have my research proposal for my study related with the implementation of zero interest microcredit for small enterprises at conflicted areas. How would this possible to develop the small enterprises through the zero interest loan.

Please cite examples of where you have identified external funding and/or networked with public and private donors (if a team effort, please be specific about your role and personal impact).

In my previous personal machinery loan project, I got the funding from some wealthy friends, who has idle fund and willing to lend their money through this rent-purchase machineries. My role is to provide the capital to buy the machines and distributes to the needy. Other ideas, we can send the proposal regarding the portfolios of our lenders to the private sectors or international donors.

Describe a specific time when you faced issues that tested your problem-solving skills. What did you do?

My previous jobs so awesome in solving the problem, as we have clear problem solving channels and solid team work. Almost we don’t have any significant problems and we made quick effective decision. My current work if I can said it’s frustrated, it’s hard to provide advice for problem solving.

Describe your most stressful work-related situation and how you handled it.

The hazard environment and not good management is really made stressful situation for me. It’s hard to handle the upper management as I’m not in that position. So, if my idea not accepted, I entertain myself, and talk with colleague to discuss the situation.

Why are you interested in working in Afghanistan?

Afghanistan is lovely country, if the environment is safe how awesome is that. I like the scenery and the people are friendly.

Describe your ideas on the role of women in international/community development.

Women in Afghanistan are very unfortunate, due to their lack of education and the culture and belief pressures against the women. It make worse situation if they are poor, and this situation will regenerate to their family. Providing good education to the women will create good awareness for the women roles and position in the family so they can educate their children properly eventually have good contribution for the community development.

It is a Christian, faith-based organization. Is that something that attracts you to the organization or does it concern you?

It doesn’t matter for me, the Christian or Moslem faith-based organization, as long as the program is good for human being. Though all religion teach peoples to be good with all the creatures especially human being.

What are some things you do to care for yourself when working in intense situations for extended periods of time?

Good safety working environment and management.

What do you expect as being a fair wage for this position?

? to ?K USD monthly take home salary should be great for me.

When is the earliest you would be able to start work in Afghanistan?

Middle of October 2011.

Goodluck K! and just wait, see and pray for the best! If it's your bless, you'll get it, if not perhaps some others luck! :) All is Well.. no worried be happy!.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

28Days to Go

I see my path but I don't know where it leads. Not knowing where I am going is, what inspires me to travel it **Rosalia de Castro..

28 DAYS to GO!

Beautiful morning today, so shining.. I'm still counting my days here.. another 28days to GO.. yeah go home first.. and see what's and where leads me to my next journeys.

Friday, today off days, I decided to do some light exercise, take the basket ball, and working out with it alone.. all ALONE.. today is my day.. off day, playing basket ball alone, jogging, walking and say hi hi hello.. tsengga yee.. and Mubarak Ied to the local Afghan I met.

A bit sweating, about one hour I done, and return the ball to the place. I saw a funny and noughty dog in the kitchen.. the brown dog.. one of new dog in this compound. We have three dogs now here, blacky, browny, and whity :) .. They all good, be my friend now.... lucu .. lucu.
I took some photos of this browny dog in action.. and here it's some of his photos in my blog.

My friend give comment.. to keep the spirit high.. yeah.. 45 fighting spirit - semangat 45 we called that.. during the indonesian independent.. hehehe.. It's about the times only.. some colleagues also counting the days.. when the September coming.. we felt that the time passing a bit fast.. we just follow the Helmand river flowing .. till the end of the month.. 30 Sept.. We hope nothing unexpected occured.. we hope things goes as it is.. completed our assignmnents and back home in one piece :) .. Insya Allah...

Though we all here still in high, our spirit still on good track same level as our missing home, our family, friends and country.. I really sick home now.. so, just counting the days.. and need to make ourselves busy.. busy.. and do something.. yeah.. that's cool 28Days to GO! Amazing Indonesia.. we are home! :)