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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Playing Over - Back Study :)

End of the playing time, the begin of studying time :)

Yesterday, we met to play our Frisbee at the same beautiful place "the field of Convent School". It's always nice to have playing the game at fresh outdoor field. We use two Frisbee's disc plates at this time (green and blue) .. wow.. that's more interesting.

Each player need to call other players name to make them alert to catch the discs. We need to be more conscious and focus to catch and throw the discs. About 45mnts we finished the games, I experienced bath sweating as usual and still not get used yet for the nice shoot. hmmm.. I need to practice more, and more.. more.

One of our Frisbee friend will be back travelling to Medan today for a month. So, he leave us his plate disc and also one "cambodian/vietnam's tek tek game" I called that. It's commonly use in rural area in Indonesia last time. While I was kid I did play the game. "Tek Tek" is a set of chicken feather with round skin foundation. The players need to throw it by kick it to other players. Another interesting games, I saw that in Ho Chi Minh and Cambodia some locals play that game beautifully. We will practice that game soon.. :)

I am thinking to finish my pleasure time and back to focus on my study. I have a lot of things to be prepared for my study. I though... Holiday.. over.. playing times finished.. hehehe.. Yeah I need to make my commitment and be discipline to start doing my research.. read read READ, and write write WRITE for my study. see, how excited I'm to back for my study ;) hehehe.

I intent to spend 8 hours a day for my study.. hmmm.. can I do that ?? Mamamiyah lezato.. ahggggggggg.. Although I already have many journals related with my reseach topics but I'm still feeling lazy to start reading and writing. They all untouchable still ;) Anyway that's my good choice to study back. I need to start soon as long as no more others days to read and write. "Welcome to the Reality Live Show drunkerhero" :) hehehe.

What a nice confident that I have! Okay.. Okay.. I am sure I can do that. I'll start today, 3 May 2010 from 2pm back to study.. spents 8 hours to read the journals, and write :) hahaha.. 8 hours a day again, I doubt ?? I'm still questioning my self. I have negative thinking of the monotous reading of the scientific journals that very hard for me to understand.. oh oh.. miracles.. MIRACLES.. come to me.. please give me a little spirit to understand what the Dr, Professors or other smart educated peoples in this world write in their journals actually.. hehehe. I'm dreaming again, read bro.. READ so you will understand.. Iqro.. Iqro.. no miracles just Iqro.. :)

Well, I decided to have a little break in writing my blog at 10USD journeys though.. and start to write at my study journeys blogspot.. but.. see.. later... with Bismillah.. I am ready to study again.. hmm... can I do that ?? hehehe.. yes You CAN.. yes I CAN.. yes.. All CAN... Insya Allah.

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