Allah.. Allah

Will you support for the "World Smiling Day"

Saturday, May 8, 2010

IAMD 2010 "Many Lights for Human Rights"

Many Lights for Human Rights - some notes from IAMD 2010.

From the island plaza, I took bus home and stopped a while at Penang Times Square. There is an "International Aids Memorial Days - IAMD 2010" ceremony there.

While I coming the event already started. The audiences already made the "ribbon formation". They expected 1000 spectators to form that "aids ribbon" symbol. It's quiet big stage and hall at Penang Times Square. They conducted the event at open stage.

The MC, welcoming the important person who arrived on the stages and starting the ceremony. One of them is the representative from USM. In fact USM give good support for the AIDS research and community in Malaysia. This event sponsored by CASP (Community Aids Service Penang), a local NGO who supports the AIDS education, prevention and provided shelter for the neglected HIV positive deseace infected people.

The speaker from USM briely elaborated about the history of AIDS cases in Malaysia, starting from 3 cases and now up to approximately 90.000 cases in Malaysia. He mentioned also to behave toward the infected HIV Positive people as like other deceases. It's not necessary to isolated and hate them as they are infected. Other peoples need to be friends with them, provide many lights for human rights.

The ceremony continue with the "poetry or story" reading by one doctor. The theme of the poetry is "I'm HIV Positive". The reader has delivered the story nicely using Malay language. It's quiet good story telling about how an infected wife facing the reality, trying to survive in her conditions and still has dreams in the remaining of her live for their family, friends and her country.

It's a short of celebration actually. It's ended with the song of "We are the World" from Michael Jackson. The audiences waving the lights and singing together. At closing there are some fireworks also. I made some shoot of photos of this IAMD = Lights for the Human Rights.. just as the function at nite.. my camera has poor results for taking photos at nite.. aghhhhh need to change my camera.. though ;) hehehe.

Finally, I hope this blog can provided inspiration for us to continously giving many lights for human rights and support them for keeping spirit to struggle for vitality live... God willing.....

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