Allah.. Allah

Will you support for the "World Smiling Day"

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Rain - Afghan - My PHD beyond my Imagination

Today, on the bus, just side the window on the way to Senayan city to have my swimming. The weather have small raining, I just change the plan to have some relaxing in Plangi.. only...and write my blog...

Sudden memory goes to Afghan mixing up with the future of my beyond imagination to my incomplete study - My Phd.. Ahggggggg.. Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.. Ccccccc huh huh huh.. This memory comes and go again.. I need my break I guess...I need to re arrange my dream I guess.. I need to re organize my work I guess..Hmmm.. am I have enough resources to do this ?

Friends in Afghan, their face comes around in my mind, their smiles, their talk, hmmm.. a sudden memory comes back to Afghan.. will I got chance to go back there, to visit, to work!.. etc.. Don't know, but for sure still not a single clue that I'll return there.. no no luck yet!.. Aghh..

Then my mind going back to my PhD study, still thinking of why my supervisor not respond at all to my appeal email; huh huh.. Gelap.. Gelap.. My close class mates.. they must be still fight to complete their thesis.. sound exiting when talking to them about the progress they made.. what about me ME ME ME.. hu huh huh.. though I'm swimming to much.. so I have no progress.. at all.. aghhhhhhhhhh.. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.. ccccccccccccccccccc huh huh huh.. I'm starting shouting again in my hearth..

Why so Gelap yeah?? .. capek dehhhhh... derita.. elo... ! !.. don't know yeah.. I think I should do something on my study.. 8 months still I leave SAFE project with the purpose to get an idea to reach my PhD beyond imagination..

Though that by working with this Poverty Reduction Support Facilities - PRSF with GERAMMMMMM Gerammmmm GERAM geram.. International.. It will help me to get some lights and idea with my research papers.. but till now.. still nil NOL ZERO.. zero.. tolerances.. what's my excuse this time.. !!!!!!!   AGHHHHHHHHh .. BBBBBBBBBB.. CCCCCCCCCc.. Alphabetic screaming inside.. am I release ? am I happy.. ????

Forget it a while.. tomorrow I'll go for my holiday.. sat, sun, till monday! Will see.. see.. see.. meeting some old friends in M'sia.. amazing .. Malaysia.. I'm coming!.. My school I'm coming.. Aaaaa.. Bbbbbbbbb.. Cccccccccc; still the screaming inside for unfulfilled dreams.. as it's still beyond my imagination.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Superman Banjir - being Angel and Devil

Amazing Poor Jakarta get flooding!

Today the landmark, the heart of Jakarta "Bundaran Hotel Indonesia" and others areas in Jakarta covered by water - flooding! Poor amazing Jakarta! Until now the chocolate water still there, looks never get less ... less and least..

The police cars, trucks, rubber boats are standby around to help the people who needed. Though that's heavy challenges for the "Superman Banjir" - read Governor.  Even though his office as well get flood.. hmm.. not easy work! Be patient superman banjir, many hopes from the people on your shoulder.. hope you can manage this problem.

Due to the raining and flooding, I'm not going to the office today. It's hard to counter fight this flooding. I have sent message to the boss explained that "Heavy raining and flooding that I'll come to the office after lunch time" the boss replied, that will be no problem, and if the condition don't improve I can work from home today!.. That's cool yeah.. I got permission to work from home, or anywhere I can get internet connection.

I spent the morning with swimming, listening the radio that covers the news about flooding disaster, music etc. It's really enjoyable and relaxing day to me!.. I'm alone in the swimming pool - The pool is mine.. I said.. then I did my 50laps swimming today.. very very good, fresh, fit and healthy. The pool is not square, it's cycle form, and not as long as at senayan city, but it's fine and sufficient for me.

As it's a bit raining, the water felt so cold at the beginning, but after some moves, it's feeling normal as usual. 50 laps.. huh, yeah.. 50laps.. :) make some shots of photographic in the GI's pool, and the flooding challenges for Superman banjir.

While doing my swimming, under the fresh, clean water of the pool, the though of flooding victims come across in my mind. What a pity for the victims, they will try to evacuate themselves first and their property from getting wet! the old people, the younger, and so on.. pity pity pity..

What may I do to help the victims yeah?? .. should I do something ?? The angel vision come around my though but the devil though try to counter this good though saying that.. come on.. it's not your job! let's the though and responsibility goes to 'superman banjir' shoulder...

Positive and negative..  angel and devil though come over the mind under the water, and while doing my swimming.. and it's not answering yet my contribution to help the unlucky.. it's come in my mind also to give free laundry to the victims who need it.. or at least with the super cheap price.. just to help them.. though they must be need it yeah!

It's flooding, I’m very sure that they must need clean and dry clothing for them to keeping them healthy. But again, I though it's difficult, my laundry place in Depok, meanwhile the flooding victims in Jakarta, there will be needed so much resources and energy to do this.

See; see; see! There is always some reasons for not to do the good things yeah!.Opss.. Aghhh. Superman Banjir, I'm trapped in the flooding.. HELP.. please evacuate me!.. Until now 7pm the flooding remain; the victims remain.. hope the angels though will be always defeated the devils.. Hope the Superman Banjir and the cronies will be able to do more and more by taking the priorities on the victims safety and live.. Insya Allah! Superman Banjir.. boleh!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Happy Sunday!

Good morning world! Happy sunday day!

Sunday morning, in my cute room, so amazing place .. quiet at the roof top of the house third floor! Only a few rooms on this pent house :) The view is excellent as well as sourrounded by skyscrapers  building skyscrapers such us "Keraton"; "the plaza", "Hyatt and Kempinsky"; very nice and interesting; the most amazing one; got free wifi connection from the "Keraton" building.. see! amazing; thanks Keraton for providing me this free connection.. heheheh!


Something on my though; I felt a bit inconvenient with all this comfortable things! :) my mind has sudden mixed up- gado gado! negative! worried! for no reasons! Why I felt this negative though this morning? With lovely weather; quiet, and nice skyscrapers building :) Hehehe  why YEAH? ..I do not know, sometimes my feeling unstablemoody.

Sometimes the though of K
osovo; Kosovo; Kosovo;  Uzbek, Congo and Afghan appeared and disappeared! why there is still no single news about the result? Why .. why ?? Though I'm ready for the news whatever the outcome I would accept with big heart and smile.. and said not my luck yet to be there! Keep trying! :)

 Again I'm asking myself is it really about Kosovo ? abroad assignment ?? hehehe.. Do not know, this is just moody; I'm getting a bad mood attack.. and I need to remove this feeling do something positive!.. Read my 13th New Years Resolution.. and do something with smile .. yeah! yeah .. Smile!

Positive! Read a lot! do a lot! Rest a lot! Fun a lot; Happy sunday day; close your note book; enjoy the free car days today; or go swim or meditation; or reading or watching movie or go for my 13th resolution :) hehehe .. Go GO AWAY moody; bad though/feeling.. go go Away.. cancel.. cancel CANCEL and FORGET it.. If only I can swim at Helmand River.. it will be awesome! Welcome! Happy sunday everybody!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Resolution 13 on New Year 2013

Good day Jakarta!

Completing my swimming at senayan city for 33 Laps.. feeling great, fit, healthy and positive. Thanks God. As, the plan that I need to complete my 13th resolutions for new year 2013.. herewith the points:
3 on Health issues:
1. Take care of my food - as I got a horrible cholesterol on my body, then I need to take care of my food. Times to say goodbye for my favorites food. huh .. squize; prawn; eggs.. ahgggggg!  too bad! but I need to do this, better prevent than sorry later. Yeah, for the option I can start to consume; gado-gado, vegetables; fish, fruits etc..
2. Improve the exercises - sports - swimming on the quantity or the distance; perhaps 1.5 - 2km each time swimming; no need to do that every day, just alternating days so; 3 to 4 times in a week with 1.5 to 2km each, means to do that 33 or 43laps! Do I want to get muscles ? a 6 packs ?? No, not really - a swimmer body looks or being FIT is sufficient awesome! no need to gain the 6 packs :) heheh.
3. Will try to joint some class of meditation / yoga - one a week; and do some  push up training 50 - 100times on the alternating days.

3 on Entertainment - Food for the soul issues:
1. Starting reading some lights materials - novels; story; e-book; 1 novels/story in a ten days; 3 story/novels in a month.
2. Watching movies; one title in a week.
3. Read Read Read - attend the food for the soul session in office or outside at least once in a month.

3 on Careers - Self Improvement issues:
1. Keep hunting for the new opportunities abroad and locally, at least once in a week send the resume and job hunting untill got the 5 - 10K income! :)
2. Perform well on current position; working smart; organize and discipline; improve relationship with the boss; colleagues and others.
3. Improve the network and linked :) :) and keep in touch, at least one in a month.

4 on Financial - Retired Issues:
1. Keep invest in real business - develop and expand the existing small business; promotion; staffing and control. ... Go for 9 source of revenues to achieve within this new year.
2. Improve the investment portfolio composition: real business 30%; property 20%; stock market 10% and gold 20%.
3. Plan and Go for 50YO retired plan! and financial freedoms!
4. Keep healthy financial and investment status on the retired days! Need to find the solution!

Though those above are the 13th resolutions that I need to committed and comply with, later on after a month, 3 months, semester  will try to evaluate them!.. Hmmm sounds serious yeah! hehehe these should be FUN FUN FUN.. though if I can achieve them how awesome it is! So just try to do my best, plan organize action control (POAC) next tawakal to HIM...meski ku rapuh