Allah.. Allah

Will you support for the "World Smiling Day"

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Just two words

Just two words - "GOOD BYE"..

Just two words my friends, currently I would like to say for all bad friends "Good bye" and all good friends "Bad bye".. we never know, and nobody know what will bring us in the future! Meeting and separation are two common things happened in our lives. So, we must get ready while the times coming. For that my friends, please don't hate me so much.. or you will missing me, and don't love me like crazy.. or you will hate me in the future.

Four months here in lovely Afghans, surrounded by some nice people around my living. 4months here living in compound, just moving around office, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, garden, gym, guard post, hmmm what a dull times my friends .. but it's continues.. minutes by minutes passed by, hours, days, weeks moving and now 4months already.. hehehe.. awesome that we still can communicate very well, you all my Afghan's friends still can smiling while meeting me with the must pashto greeting "sengga yee"; "jodie" "pakaire".. hehehe.. thanks all friends for your sincere greetings and warm welcoming.

Unfortunately, I can't speak your language and u can't speak my language that will help us to share the complain, the happiness and the sorrow.. what a big barriers for you my friends some bad people's take advantages on your frumpish, of your lack of knowledge, of your dignity and obedient !! Well, I sincerely hope that things changes better my friends! Insya Allah.. so no worried just be happy.. and keep smiling.. sengga yee, jodie.. pakaire.. with yr sincere smiles. I proud of you all with all this live pressures in Afghanistan.. you all still able to deliver your sincere smile to me.. that's very good my friends.. AWESOME..

If I flashback 4months ago, in the beginning we met it's so hard to find a small smile from your face! It's hard.. your faces just stiff and common.. I can understand that with the hard live condition here.. though it will affected your face expressions.. but eventually it's changing, I can transfer the funny aura of a 'must' pastho greeting with smiling and happy face attached and with the taken photos rewards.. :) wonderful.. it's always nice to see smiling and happy face rather than.. stiff and scary face.. my friend.. believe me.. you will get the positive energy from this happy and smile people surrounding.

So my friends.. don't be sad.. keep happy, no worried.. told you before it's a common live meeting and separating, if there is means of living, we will be meeting again..Insya Allah.. just my pray for all the best for you there to live in peacefully, no war, no bom, no gun firing and you can send your children to the school without worried of their safety. Amien.. Amien.. Amien

All rites my friends, it's awesome knowing and meeting you, talking and interact with you, with your own unique and style. My pleasure to gain this experiences, convergent and working with you all.. It's really a live experiences.. If things all fine.. we will see each other again..for sure.. Insya Allah.. so my friends "Good Bye" and "Take Care" and "All t Best" and " C U" and "NWBH" and what we need to do for the bad thing is just "CCFI" okay.. Cancel Cancel Forget It"

Lupain, hay rawul.. Lupain.. CCFI, but for the good things, you may keep it in your mind. My friends.. for you to remember.. to keep you happy and smiling.. I'll do the same my friends, Keep It In Mind- KIIM all of you.... you all will be always in my mind.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Mosquitos - Drakula Bites

Days passing so fast,

Now without realizing

I was breathing with Afghan’s air

I was sleeping under the Afghan’s sky

four months already,

Live here in lovely Afghan..

Nite at 11 pm outdoor near the gate

What a quiet nite..

Sitting and relaxing here..

Keep observing the sky..

With plenty stars on it..

Some are dreary.. and

some are shiny

Hmmm what a awesome nite..

Only so many mosquitoes bites me..

Hmm it’s not good, meanwhile

I’m still trying to enjoy this quiet nite..

And this fck mosquitoes keep biting me

.. langsat.. duku..

I am trying to be immune with this mosquito attack

Trying not to care with them sucking my blood

But it’s hard and I’m sorry I can’t survive..

I should stop it.. Though it’s enough

and enough is enough ..

I decided to back to my room..

Try to get rid off this draculas

Bye bye mosquitoes, bye draculas..

Then I move a head to my room..

I’m back to my room, try to sleep

and sleep like never enough!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Stressful Weeks Days CCFI

This week is a squezzing and heavy week days for me. My mind plague by the security concern where the people's around still playing with the boms, guns just like toys and fireworks. In addition I am missing home, missing the beaches where I can swim and relaxing while I'm deppressed.

I have experienced the butterfly effect of the misaddress of global warning now. My mind corrupted, I'm easily get shaky, my heart beating faster and being paranoid. Recently, I can't sleep and taking rest comfortablly, my eating appertite decrease and easily get upset with something. All this symtomps, feeling depressed and stressful is really unhealthy situation for me. I need my holiday I guess.. I need my break off.. cooling down a while.. relaxing ..

After staying four months in this lovely Afghan, this week I'm really feeling missing home, missing the beaches, the jungle, the hills, water fall, my friends, my books etc etc.. Luckily They let me have my holiday by next week.. I'll back to the civilization.. back home! taking back my live :) my freedom.. :) hahaha..

I am so excited.. really really excited.. but the bad feeling of the butterfly effects still remain... not sure how long and deep I need to swim in the beaches later to kill this negative feeling.. to get rid off.. this stupid experience!.. C.C.F.I.. CANCEL CANCEL FORGET IT.. Kamal. lupain.. lupakan.. Hai rawul.. :) Cancel CANCEL FORGET IT.. you will be fine.. NWBH.. No WORRIED be Happy.. yup CCFI and NWBH..

I wish I can dipping my all body now in Helmand Riverrrrrrrr... for the therapy.. :) Shock Therapy .. hehehe.. capek dehh... sabar.. sabar.. be patient and strong.. ! It's true let it be.. forget it.. let it flow through Helmand river and goes to the ARAL sea later.. hopefully not flowing to Penang beach's where I plan to spend my holiday :) Hopefully.. Insya Allah.. I should be able to forget this.. it's just a small misunderstanding... so yeah CCFI and NWBH.. :) Okay.. I am counting yok, dwa, dree.. I'm smiling now.. I'm relief :) hehehe.. okay bro! Welcome to the Jungle!.. Cheers.. and still counting my days here.. 4days more to go!..