Allah.. Allah

Will you support for the "World Smiling Day"

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Men with LANGGUATA

LANGGUATA - Langguata

the word of “Langguata” sounds very unique to me! It’s a local cloth that cover on the head parts of the man. It’s mostly using by an adult local Afghan males.

A friend told me that it’s a sunnah to wear Langguata, as the prophet - Nabi Muhammad S.A.W showed the males to cover the head with Langguata. In addition it’s useful also to protect the head, face from the dusk and other pollution.

The men with Langguata look good looking, unique and interesting. Langguata’s length is about 4 to 5 meters, and costly around USD 7 to 10 which depend on the quality of the materials used. I’m asking some friends to show me how the way to wear the Langguata is. Two friendly guards do a demonstration to me to explain how to use the Languata.

It's seems easy, simple and not difficult. Eventhough for me wearing tie looks more complicated rather than using Langguata :) . This afternoon, I got new experience regarding this sexy Langguata.

I promise to some local friends that I’m going to write about “Langguata” in my blog and to share the story. So, after taking some photos with the three musketeers (Nazar, Gul and Ezza) with some styles that we can see in this blog.

The Men with Langguata.. They are always good, charming, charismatic and elegant. Some local people look so serious without any smile in the face.. and some with a little bit smile and a few with plenty of smiles. Which one you choose to see? the smiley one or the serious one? I believe we prefer to see the smiley peoples, so we can get the lively energy from their warm smiles.

I can’t imagine with this hard burden live in Afghanistan and the hazard environment, it will be more painful if we can’t even to share a little smile to the people around like to your friends, your family, your colleague and to the stranger. Smile to everybody you know and you don’t know it doesn’t matter as it’s a good practise as a human being.. whatever your religion, colour, race, sex just be happy and smile to the world so the world will return the happiness to you.

Welcome my friends to the lovely smiling Afghan peoples.. have a look to that happy smiley photos from Afghan people here. Welcome.. Be Happy No Worried.. BHNW.. The Men with Langguata and smile is Amazing..Awesome.. Beautiful.. Mantap.. and Always COOL!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Some Smiley Faces :)

Almost two weeks here in lovely Afghanistan, after my holiday. I'm starting to count my days again, looking forward for the new assignment, new place, new province and new people.. I'm expecting the unexpected, I need to be prepared, just be prepared and hope nothing. I just let it flowing through the Helmand river till the Nimrooz border of Iran.. :)

The feeling of severe, sometimes appeared with some why questions, why do I need to go to another place? why do I need to leave some nice and good buddies here? How can I tackles up with all this new atmospheres?

Hmmm.. sometimes that negative, and doubts comes again to my mind. Well, I don't care with that negative thoughs so much.. try to cancel it.. Cancel Cancel Forget It.. CCFI.. I said !

I just think of the new live experiences with new people and places.. It would be more lively and more challenging for me! Will make live more lively, will burn my blood high, and open my eyes widely! Yes, though I'm excited and counting again my days here.. five more days to go ;) yeah another 5 days :)

This afternoon, I'm doing some light exercise around the compound and taking some photos. Some Afghan buddies like usual, greeting me warmly with smile.. and the standart greeting "tsengga yee" :) I'm answerring their greetings with a big smile also.

It's a lovely afternoon as I saw some local buddies with smiling and happy face.. very awesome.. very very nice. Although it's end of the month - old month as employee, no paydays yet :) but They are still nicely transfer their smiley face to me. Oh Lord, how beautiful your creatures with smile. How tender, sincere hearted and friendly this people I met in my compound!

I'm taking some photos on this lovely afternoon with some smily faces. When I observes their smily face.. though how peaceful their lives and how happy smily face they have. Awesome! Mantap! I hope They can keep it up.. be happy and no worried!.. Yeah.. and keep smiling my friend! Let's your worried goes with your big smile and peaceful mind..

Imagining that everybody that I met tomorrow will be the same.. the happy person and with smile. It will be nicer.. if Not, then I'll start it.. by greeting them with warm and big smile.. yeah.. let's see.. starting tomorrow until the rest of my time here, I'll greet warmly anybody I meet with smile.. :) :) :) Insya Allah.. I can do that.. just to make small study, how is it going! no harm to make people laugh :)..

Yes, yeah 5days to go and to keep smiling and happy... and NWBH.. my smiley friends.. Things will be fine.. and just GREAT.. so keep and share your smiley energy with others..Mantap! Awesome.. yok, dwa, dree.. here you are some smiley face of Afghan people surrounding my compound!

Friday, June 24, 2011

I'm in Love Story - TS

LOVE Story - Taylor Swift

We were both young, when I first saw you
I close my eyes and the flashback starts
I’m standing there, on a balcony of summer air

I see the lights, see the party, the ball gowns
I see you make your way through the crowd
You say hello, little did I know…

That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles
And my daddy said “stay away from Juliet”
And I was crying on the staircase
Begging you please don’t go…
And I said…

Romeo take me somewhere, we can be alone
I’ll be waiting, all there’s left to do is run
You’ll be the prince and I’ll be the princess,
It’s a love story, baby, just say yes

So I sneak out to the garden to see you
We keep quiet, because we’re dead if they knew
So close your eyes
Escape this town for a little while
Oh, Ohhh

Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter,
And my daddy said “stay away from Juliet”
But you were everything to me
I was begging you, please don’t go…
And I said

Romeo take me somewhere, we can be alone
I’ll be waiting, all there’s left to do is run
You’ll be the prince and I’ll be the princess
It’s a love story, baby, just say yes

Romeo save me, they’re trying to tell me how to feel
This love is difficult, but it’s real
Don’t be afraid, we’ll make it out of this mess
It’s a love story, baby, just say yes
Oh, Ohhh…

I got tired of waiting
Wondering if you were ever coming around
My faith in you was fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town
And I said

Romeo save me, I’ve been feeling so alone
I keep waiting, for you but you never come
Is this in my head, I don’t know what to think
He kneels to the ground and pulled out a ring and said

Marry me Juliet, you’ll never have to be alone
I love you, and that’s all I really know
I talked to your dad-you’ll pick the white dress
It’s a love story, baby just say…yes…
Oh, Ohhh… Oh, Oh, Ohhh…

We were both young when I first saw you.

Terlado - Spicy Eggplants + Shrimps

Terong belado ijo and udang imut!

Friday, an offday here, so just like usual.. on the day off, we don't have the cook to serve us, so to survive we need to make our own food :) YES, so far I can survive with this matter. It is enjoyable for me, to kill my off day time by learning new skills - to experiences the culinary, by making my own favorite food.. but noted that It's just still for my own consumption only :)

We have eggplants in the backyard, and green chilly plants as well. It's very nice and easy, I just go to the backyard and pick up them to prepare the ingredients. I browsed mbah google to asked the information about making Terlado - spicy eggplants. So, it's look very simple and easy to make it. Then I start to cook it. It's not taking so long time to make it, in less than a hour my lunch set ready.

I have Terlado which include boiled eggplants, shrimps, and fried green chilly together with plain fried rice and a piece of fried chicken. I have my water and Mirinda for the drink. So, how was the taste ?? :) Hmmm.. not bad.. thought event it's best as a starter to make it. The sweet is there, the spicy.. not so much.. hehehe.. don't know why ? Perhaps the eggplants already sweets, and also the chili pepper taste not so hot here compare to cabe rawit di Indonesia :) so, yeah atleast the flavour still there.

In fact eggplant is one of my unfavourite vegetables, but as not so much choices of available vegetables here.. then I need to change my mind, and put it in one of my list. Terlado taste is fairly good.. the eggplan soft and a bit sweet.. but the shrimps always good! whatever way I cook it.. that's my favorite.. shrimps.. only They are. too small baby..too small .. If only we have tiger prawn here!! hmmmn.. Awesome..!

Finish eating my lunch set! Remaining only one third of my Terlado, I put it in microwave, whoever want to try and eat.. They are welcome.. and tonite my plan to have nasgor or misop only for the dinner! Yeah.. cooking become not a big deal for me now! I learn and tried already some of my favorite foods, like : perkedel, tomyam, misop, bakso, bubur kacang hijau and now Terlado.. good.. GOOD GOOD.. K.. very good.. I compliment myself :) keep it trying.. thought it's always best to learn new skills....... yeah.. It's AWESOME.. MANTAP..gan!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

One Shining Evening @ compound

5days already here in Laskhar Gah, so how and what I'm doing! In five days, just today I went to PRT the NAAFI - Navy Army & Air Force Institutes at PRT. I would like to find something at the shop there. unfortunately, couldn't find them. At least not bad, I did my window dressing, looking around the navy center there. Looks awesome, unfortunately it's not recommended to take some photos there, so yeah no problem.. I can take a lot of photos back later @ my compound!

A lovely and shining evening, I went out to take some photos on my back yard. Got some plants ready to crop, such as tomatoes and eggplant. What a fertilize lands the Afghan's have. It's easily growth the plants here, eventhough nobody plants them like poppies, grass etc ! We have plum trees, grapes, tomatoes, eggplants, bendies and nana-mints plants. I tried that nana-mints "lalapan" already, though.. we have that also in Indonesia, that always served together while we order pecel lele in Jakarta :) ..

Easily the local Afghan peoples when the dinner time coming, they just go to the back yard, collecting some nana's, romel-tomatoes, and mixed them together with some yogurt and served them as a kind of salad.. :) I didn't tried them, as I don't think I like that kind of salad with the yogurt.. I prefer to make my tomatoes juices or just eat the tomatoes raw, rather than that kind of salad.

This lovely evening, the dog accompanied me, walking around the backyard @ the compound. He is running, walking around the grass, and sometimes liking or eating something. I went to the guard post to see some of my Afghan buddies, and take their photos. They look busy and seriously watching movies on the mobile phone. It's Afghan movie, that I don't understand the language at all :).. So, They continue watching movies and I carry on my photos shoot on this shining and lovely evening @ my compound.

Here are some of the photos taken on this shining lovely evening @ compound in Laskhargah... 5days already gone.. counting the days till another 10days to see my new place - assignment.. Insya Allah.. will go to another provinces.. we will see.. yeah.. will see 10 days more to go! Yeah.. I'm excited.. :)