Allah.. Allah

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Men with LANGGUATA

LANGGUATA - Langguata

the word of “Langguata” sounds very unique to me! It’s a local cloth that cover on the head parts of the man. It’s mostly using by an adult local Afghan males.

A friend told me that it’s a sunnah to wear Langguata, as the prophet - Nabi Muhammad S.A.W showed the males to cover the head with Langguata. In addition it’s useful also to protect the head, face from the dusk and other pollution.

The men with Langguata look good looking, unique and interesting. Langguata’s length is about 4 to 5 meters, and costly around USD 7 to 10 which depend on the quality of the materials used. I’m asking some friends to show me how the way to wear the Langguata is. Two friendly guards do a demonstration to me to explain how to use the Languata.

It's seems easy, simple and not difficult. Eventhough for me wearing tie looks more complicated rather than using Langguata :) . This afternoon, I got new experience regarding this sexy Langguata.

I promise to some local friends that I’m going to write about “Langguata” in my blog and to share the story. So, after taking some photos with the three musketeers (Nazar, Gul and Ezza) with some styles that we can see in this blog.

The Men with Langguata.. They are always good, charming, charismatic and elegant. Some local people look so serious without any smile in the face.. and some with a little bit smile and a few with plenty of smiles. Which one you choose to see? the smiley one or the serious one? I believe we prefer to see the smiley peoples, so we can get the lively energy from their warm smiles.

I can’t imagine with this hard burden live in Afghanistan and the hazard environment, it will be more painful if we can’t even to share a little smile to the people around like to your friends, your family, your colleague and to the stranger. Smile to everybody you know and you don’t know it doesn’t matter as it’s a good practise as a human being.. whatever your religion, colour, race, sex just be happy and smile to the world so the world will return the happiness to you.

Welcome my friends to the lovely smiling Afghan peoples.. have a look to that happy smiley photos from Afghan people here. Welcome.. Be Happy No Worried.. BHNW.. The Men with Langguata and smile is Amazing..Awesome.. Beautiful.. Mantap.. and Always COOL!

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