Allah.. Allah

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Saturday, October 26, 2013

Lz Lazy Go Away.. dull DULL DODOL I eat

Opps! Have you ever feeling the boredom, frustration, and disappointment  in high level in your life ? Feeling worthless, invaluable and nobody? All these negative aura, sometimes stick and bite me! very unpleasant, and terrible moody.  

While it's become worse goes to mental and physical,  I tried to run and hide far.. far.. FAR.. so nobody will look at my scary face.. ? or I'll go swim and dive under the water to expel these uncomfortable and negative though and feeling! But those negatives though make me lazy.. Lazy.. and LAZY, dodoll.. and O ON.. ?
Hmm, I haven't continue writing my blog quiet long, when I checked my last posted it's February, now end of October already.. gila... so 10 months already I haven't write any post ! I have to do something.. I had to change! I had to kill this dull, monotonous life with something better.. I should change! I must be born again.. ME ME ME .. REBORN! 

Reborn will make me smiling while wake up in the morning.. make me keep dreaming.. enthusiast, spirit; and Live! I should not easily blame the situation around me, try to find the facts or excuse for being lazy, dullness and so on! I hold the keys of my life: I can drive and steer it around to the destination I would like to reach. God please help me to  reborn, change my life and defeated this negative though.. Lazy lazy go away,  dull dull.. dodol.. I will eat you :) Lets See! God Willing.

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