Allah.. Allah

Will you support for the "World Smiling Day"

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Couse U r AMAZING just the WAY u R

Bcause you are amazing, just the way you ARE!

22DAYS to GO GO GO ...

Some things happened today, another silly and dudul.. things! I am feeling sorry with you mate! I knew it's a dilematic option for you, but you need to fight for this! We know neither option is good for you, again you need to choose in between that you think less painful for you mate.

Buddy, after hearing your story it's makes me now 100% believe that I don't make wrong decision to leave our organization. We do really need a break my friend, with all the pressures we have on that field, both inside and outside environment.. it's really make loose of our appertite to smile my friend!.. yeah it's or can make us never stop loughing too, feeling shock and wonder with never answer WHY WHY.. why .. questions..

Now, what do we need to do my friend ? Though only accumulate our patients, spirit, good work, and professionalsm to show them that we are all rite, survive and all well! Hope They open their eyes and ears my friends, so atleast they can see and listen for the facts.

Friends don't forget to keep on your smiling, so They can return the smile to you too :) hehehe. Meanwhile we do our best to keep enjoying the remaining days of our times in lovely Afghanistan and keep countings the days.. 22, 21 days more to go now.. see time passing my friends.. I believe you can do it, because you are amazing just the way you are!

Never ever let them to make you down my friend, don't worried and be happy, cancel cancel and forget it for the bad things or experience you may encounter. Keep on your energy, though and smiles to make you stronger my friend and keep in mind the days moving by the next 3 weeks more we will go back to amazing Jakarta! and you will feel home soon my friends staying around your lovely family! Awesome my friends! Mantap.. just pray to the God that things will be fine FINE FINE and all is well WELL WELL.... Amien!

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