Allah.. Allah

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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Bahghwaash in Nimroz

2nd Friday off days in Zahranj city, I got chance to hang out in the city. Got nice and friendly assistant who like to bring me for having city tours. After doing my Jumat praying, it's my first time praying jamaah in Afghanistan. So, we went to the central masjid.. big one and crowded of peoples, as Friday is holiday then people going to Masjid to perform their duties to the God.

After praying, we are driving around the city, Abdul Hai my friend, my hero, my FA who bring me out for the first time to see the civilian live in Zahranj. About 10days, I did my DIY related the works, it's very painfull and not a nice way. I work days and nites to accomplish my assignments and to cover the outstanding in the work. But for this 2nd Friday, I really need a break off a while, go to the city and sight seing.

Then he bring me to a relaxing place, where the local peoples like to hang out during the off days. It's a small zoo, "Bahghwaash" in their language. So, why NOT I said.. anywhere! just bring ME out of my compound, I'm getting fed up with the routines and outstanding works that I need to cleaning up.

Along the way to go to the Bahghwaash quiet interesting, as it's my first time to see the outside.. the zoo.. yeah I am excited. Around the journeys we passed the bazaar, the irrigation river, where many people taking bath and swimming there.. heheheh It's not Helmand river and the water not really clean.. I don't think I'll swim there.. no, not here please.. just find some other nice and clear water if we want to swim.

About half hour we reach the zoo "small Bahgwaash", Abdul paid for the entrances, it's cheap only half dollar the ticket. My face keep smilling and shining.. wow.. unique.. small zoo yeah!. So, we walk around and see what are the animals there.. and what are the people doing there!
The pets are very limited there, only some type of birds, mongkey, dessert goat etc. Mostly people sitting, and relaxing on the side of the path. They are playing cards, smoking or just talking with friends. I'm not sure until when they stay there, but quiet crowded as the people enjoying the environment.

After taking some photos, not even one hour we spend there in the zoo, then we went out try to see some other place just close from the zoo. See here are some shoots in the Baghwaash.. have a look! Cheers,

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