Allah.. Allah

Will you support for the "World Smiling Day"

Friday, March 4, 2011


34 Days breath with Afghan's air! Alhamdulillah, I'm survive!

Hmmm.. about one month more already here in lovely Afghanistan.. Time passing.. but not so past I guess.. The dully and boring feel starting engulve my mind.. I need to be able to manage this feelings... forget.. forget FORGET it.. cancel cancel.. CANCEL it.. lupa lupa LUPAkan.. hehehe.

Well today a lovely raining days on Friday.. for one reason I love Friday as it's holiday here, trying to do things out of routines on this off day. I took my camera and have some photos of Afghan buddy's sourrounding. Hmmmmm My GOD...I'm stuck to write! stuck stuck stuck....ok I'll continue later.. guessss.. Was!

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