Allah.. Allah

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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Reminiscence of AFG


6 Months already over since I leave Afghanistan, no more “Tsengga ye.. Kamal” “Jodie..pakare.”. and sincere smiles of Afghan buddies surrounding. Do I miss them? the city of LKG that I never explored yet. The Helmand River which I never swim, even though dipping my legs on it to feel how the water is? The chef who always serve my food with some story about the Afghan customs, his family etc.. or all my colleagues, the security etc.. and the future leader of AFG – Abdul Hai.. who still fight to achieve his goal to continue his study.. Oh.. God.. though I do miss them..yeah I do.!

A friend made comment in my FB, while he saw one of my photos! He commented “Reminiscence of LKG – miles away”.. I don’t understand the word at the first, so thanks to dictionary online that I found the meaning of the word. I’m smiling and laughing by myself.. see buddy, u successfully make me laughing.

My memory back the journey while I was in Afghanistan, Helmand, Nimroz, Kabul.. the people, the works, colleagues, boss, friends, views, atmosphere, food, fruits, the dog.., Hmmm.. all sounds interesting and nice memory, except for the crazy misaddress email and some political in work.. but those all still manageable.. and I though that I should be back there!

Reminiscence of AFG, always good and fun that They remain fresh in my memory, if I’m missing them I just go to my blog. review my photos collection and talk online to some friends who still there.  Miles away my friend.. but close in my hearth...see you again around.. “Tsengga Ye”.. “Jodie”  “Pa kare “ – piye kabare  (APA KABAR) ?

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Car-Free Day to Monas

Today 2nd car-free day for end week of the month in Jakarta..

I woke up earlier this morning want to do jogging and walking relaxly from the HI cycle to Monas. I live in Jakarta, but I may counting how many times I already visited Monas (National monument).. hehehe, not a lot.. just a few time.

I am ready to do my walking at 6am, starting from bundaran HI.. go ahead to my destiny at Monas. The crowd starting already, many peoples doing the same, walking, running and pedaling their bike to the MONAS.

About half hour arrived in Monas already.. many peoples there, just doing some sport activities, and some stages for functions. None pay my attention so much, I just read their t'shirt writing STOP TB! Long Life ALIVE..etc.. my route just do one round of this history monument. Crowded surrounded, many peoples do the same, walking, jogging, relaxing, taking photos, doing business selling some food and drinks, souveniers, t-shirt monas.. etc.. etc.

In another half hour I complete my 1st round of the monument and taking some photos. I'm get ready to go home for my breakfast. Another half hour walk.. I said.. no problem I like walking today as it's car free day on the route to my home.. It's nice beautiful weather, warm and I'm sweating a bit.. just a bit.. as I don't push myself to exercise a lot.. I'ts a relaxing day for me.. I prefer to provide food for my though.. am I hungry ? :)